Greenrock Mountains
The Greenrock Mountains were the eastern mountain range within the larger region of Lynnla. For centuries and well into the reign of the Kaldrinic Empire, this region was home to the Thringen people, a Taynish subculture originally native to most of Lynnla.
The Greenrocks were very old mountains, worn down by eons of weathering, ice ages, and geological forces. The name came from the green garnet that was found in many of the granite bedrocks of the region. By the time of the Kaldrinic Empire, the mountains consisted of a region of solitary, low-lying peaks with the highest being Grethyn Peak at around 6,300 feet. Between the mountains were wide but rugged forested valleys often with lakes and cold mountain brooks.
With the exception of alpine and boreal ecologies on the higher peaks, most of the region was covered in decidous and mixed forests dominated by maples, birches, oaks, pine, and hemlock.