City: Ashenstone

A view of Ashenstone
The Imperial Seat of Ashenstone
Crag | Quick Facts |
Region | Jewel Sea |
Climate | Warm Oceanic |
Nation | Independent |
Main Culture | Kaldrinic, cosmopolitan |
Minor Cultures | |
Population | 1000 - 0 K.E. |
40,000 - 100 K.E. | |
1,000,000 - 450 K.E. | |
1,250,000 - 600 K.E. | |
Government | Imperial Throne |
Main Industries | Government, Seafood, |
Mercantile Trade, Art | |
Ship Repair |

Early History of Ashenstone
The archipelago that makes up Ashenstone is the remnants of a volcano that has been dormant, and possibly extinct, for over 2000 years. The first significant settlement of the island was by the early dwarves, who established a workshop outpost within the then-active caldera and core of the main volcano, now called Mt. Aashkeiji in the Kaldrinic language. All evidence suggests that the dwarves abandoned the outpost over two millenia ago as the magma cooled and became less useful for them. Most evidence of the dwarven presence on the island's surface has either crumbled from lack of maintenance or been repurposed into the modern structures of the city. Beneath the city, the complex network of tunnels and chambers remain and many have been repurposed to serve the modern needs of the city, from secret meeting rooms, warehouses, and temples to sewers and transportation corridors.
In the time between the abondonment by the dwarves and the arrival of the Kaldrinic Dynasty, the archipelago was inhabitated on and off by small fishing villages, mostly of people of either Indiptian or various proto-Tayn backgrounds. Closer to the arrival of the Kaldrinic Dynasty, there were known pirates and other raiders who would establish camps in the islands.
By 0 K.E., a few hundred people of mixed cultures called the archipelago home under the leadership of self-appointed "King" Leoth, though the islands were largely lawless outside of individual communities, with Leoth largely coordinating protection from various pirate groups.
Kaldrinic Establishment
The Kaldrins quickly found that the grey ash colored diabase that is found in thick veins throughout the island was an ideal building material for their quickly growing city. The stone because so prolific, that the new settlement quickly acquired the name "Ashenstone" over the original official name in honor of the last King of the Old Kingdom of Kaldran.
As word spread south to Kaldran, ships of refugees found their way to Ashenstone. At the same time, the growing Imperial conquests on the surrounding mainlands led to an abundance that permitted rapid population growth. As the city grew, so did it's reputation as a place of decadence and advancement beyond many of the older, then-crumbling cities in the surrounding kingdoms and provinces. A century after its founding, Ashenstone had already cemented itself as one of the larger cities in the known part of the world, and a century after that it was perhaps the largest city, rivalling the size of Taynuilt or Lynnmouth but without the squalor and degredation that those centuries old cities had come to face.
Main Wharf (aka The Bay)
Tucked into the natural port on the east side of the main island and shielded by the collection of smaller islands, the primary wharf for trading vessels and other civilian ships is a bustling hub of activity day and night.
Leoth's Hill
A pieceful residential neighborhood on the southern side of the main island. Leoth's Hill is named after the occupant of the site when the Kaldrinic Dynasty established Ashenstone. In exchange for "allowing" them to settle on the island, Leoth was allowed to retain life-rights for himself and his children over the hill where his estate sat. By 442 K.E. the area is now well developed, at the top of the hill remains his three story stone house and public parkland, owned by an alleged descendent of Leoth.
It is rumored that Leoth was the first non-Kaldrin to have a child with a member of the Kaldrinic Dynasty. Thus, his children are seen as the first Kaldrinic Citizens born in what is now the Kaldrinic Empire.
The Great Light
It's a lighthouse at the northern tip of the main island.
Holy Square
Not just a square, but an entire city district majorily occupied by the Church and it's associated organizations. At the center of the district with a panoramic view over the sea is the Grand Cathedral of the Family, the largest single building devoted to the Kaldrinic Faith, and one of the largest buildings in the city. In front of the Cathedral lies the eponymous Holy Square, which is one of the largest public green spaces within the inner city.
Imperial Palace
A sprawling palace complex and fortress built atop the summit of Mt. Aashkeiji. Though the formal palace covers only the top of the mountain, most of the western and southern slopes of the mountain down from the palace are privately held as Royal Gardens, consituting a massive area of greenspace that is accessible only by invitation.
Kings Port
A small, rocky bay on the southwest side of the main island. This narrow bay is the private port of call for the Imperial Family, their closest advisors, and most honored or discreet guests. The bay is large enough to hold a half dozen or so medium sized ships. Built up around the bay is a small but well fortified complex hosting a contingent of Imperial Knights, palace maintenance, and some guest space for visitors.
Connecting Kings Port to the main palace is the Jewel Road, a wide stone paved road that provides an easy climb up the gentle slope of the mountain to the palace property.
Notable Residents
- The Emperor and Empress
- King Leoth