Table of Contents - Ashenstone Lorebook

Welcome to the Ashenstone Lorebook, an mdbook site that outlines the D&D Homebrew world of the Ashenstone Empire.

Click the > button to continue, or select a chapter from the below list for quick reference.

Table of Contents (This page) Contribution Instructions

  1. Cultures of the World
  2. World Atlas
  3. World Timeline
  4. 2024 - Lightsong's Journal: A chronicle of our DND Campaign from Jan 2024 to Jan 2025.
  5. 2025 - The Ashenstone Trail: Details of our 2025 Campaign, the Ashenstone Trail

Copyright Adam Bailey, Jon Kislin, and August Beers, 2025. All rights reserved.
You may not adapt, share, distribute, monetize, or modify any content herein without express written permission of the authors.

Contribution Instructions

This lorebook is not difficult to update, even if you don't have a coding background, but it's also a good beginner foray into the world of coding, if not coding proper.

Here are some quick instructions to get you started, but definitely reach out if you want help.

Setting up your Contribution Environment

  1. To contribute, you'll need a free github account and an invite to collaborate.

  2. The live site is at The source code and hosting for the site is (currently) at To keep myself organized, when I get started editing this thing, I open two browser windows side by side (or as tabs if you prefer):

    alt text

    This will let us manage the code on the left hand side while being able to check that we did things right on the right!

  3. These days, my preferred way of editing the site is to use a Github-hosted "codespace". This is a new feature that handles a lot of the annoying git and local repo setup steps that people unfamiliar with git can find challenging. Once you're into the repo, you can click on the green code button and select "Codespace":

    alt text

    (If we overuse the Codespaces feature, It will try to start charging me money, but we get a lot of free time before we get there. I'm not too worried about it).

  4. Once you actually get into your codespace, if you're familiar with Microsoft's VS Code software, you'll see a familiar site as codespaces are basically just VS Code servers that live on Github, rather than on your computer. This is convenient, again, because it gets you ready to start editing the site without having to setup git on your machine or figure out how to connect it to github while opening up a properly cloned repository. (I can show you all of these things, later).

    alt text

    You can see here a few key things:

    • On the left, a file navigator. This lets you explore everything we need to make edits and additions to, including text content files, pictures, theming files, and configuration files.
    • The main editor pane, which is just plain text, like what you'd get in a text message or on an app like Notepad, unlike something like Microsoft Word which has formatting options. Note the tabs at the top that let you keep multiple code files open at the same time. You can open and close them at will.
    • A terminal, underneath the main editor pane. We can ignore this entirely, but it's powerful if you learn to use it.

If you've gotten this far, great! Even though by this point in the instructions you wouldn't have edited anything yet.

Challenge for you!

As a challenge, try making updates to any named code file with the extension ".md" in the repository. (You won't break anything I promise, and even if you do, git is meticulously backup.) Like in Microsoft Word, you hit CTRL+S (or CMD+S on Mac) to save the file. You'll notice, however, that merely saving the code does nothing to the live site, though it does make an icon on the left sidebar change. See if you can figure out how to actually push a change to the site. If you do, you're steps ahead :)

If you'd like further instructions, please reach out to Jon Kislin or Adam Bailey.

Cultures of the World

Main Human Cultures


The history of the empire and its culture begins far to the south of the current empire. Following a series of apocalyptic events that destroyed their ancient homelands, the imperial forefathers sailed north to find a new homeland. After founding a new seat of power on the island of Ashenstone, the empire expanded over the next four centuries to conquer, annex, subjugate, and convert the kingdoms and empires of the north. They are now the predominant force in the north and its citizens enjoy objectively the best quality of life and levels of freedom of any known civilization in the current age.

Current Imperial culture is a mixture of the many cultures conquered by the empire. For instance, many of the seasonal holidays and festivals draw heavily on ancient Indip celebrations tied to agricultural customs. Clothing worn in each province still has echoes of the clothing developed by the indigenous culture. Artwork and music also continues to exhibit local regional influences. Imperial culture is also notable for the general lack of traditional gender roles, with a long history of legal equality between men and women.

The one thing that is truly homogenous throughout the empire is the Imperial religion, just known as “the Faith,” which worships the pair of gods, Xan and Xun. The pair represent the “parents” of humanity and the direct ancestors of the long line of Emperors and Empresses. Due to the association of the apocalypse that destroyed the old empire with the misuse of magic by heretics, the Imperial religion is firm that only the clergy of their religion can be trusted to properly wield magic. All other magic users, whether followers of the faith or not, are prosecuted as heretics within the core Imperial lands, though enforcement is less on the frontier and within the semi-autonomous kingdoms where local leadership does not support the church.


See main article: Taynish Culture


Hailing from the cool northern islands, the Wuldan people are a strong-willed people. Not strangers to months of long, dark nights and harsh climates, Wuldans value making the most of life while you have it. Wuldans have little time for anything that they don’t want to do, which leads to a fierce independence. Wuldans are also notable for having no legal framework for marriage, with relationships lasting only as long as both parties wish to and not always being solely between two people.

Wuldans are also known for their skills in battle, though culturally they do not believe in killing when given the option, believing that nature has the ultimate authority over death. Should an enemy fall in battle, so be it. But if an enemy surrenders or is non-mortally wounded, there is an acceptance that they have earned the right to fight another day, even if that means fighting stripped of anything with value.

Wuldan religion is similar to the ancient Taynish religion, with the major difference that a pantheon of “major spirits” that are personified with natural entities like “Wolf” and “Mother Willow”.

The Wuldan lands consist of multiple smaller kingdoms, each ruled by a family of varying statuses. Of these ruling families, a High King is elected to act as primary ruler of Wulda. The High King is a life long position elected by the monarchs. The High King has the final say in most political affairs, and can overrule any of the lesser monarchs on essentially any decision they make, though a unanimous vote by the other monarchs can veto any act of the High King. In international affairs, the High King represents the interests of the Wuldan people.


Like the Empire, the original Sygassans migrated from lands to the south. Like the empire, the early Sygassans strove to subdue the existing petty kingdoms that existed in western and southern Denrylak. However, the lack of a central theocratic royal house led to constant infighting between the noble houses that hampered consistent expansion. After the wars between Sygassas and the Empire in the 2nd century, Sygassas directed its development towards mercantile and technological prowess. Now, Sygassas operates one of the largest fleets of naval merchants, including some of the best shipyards, rivaling even the Imperial Royal Navy shipyard. Sygassas also produces some of the fiercest mercenary pirates who will sail under whatever flag pays them the best.


In Imperial Common, Princepta literally means “land of Princes,” referencing the many principalities and petty kingdoms that share cultural customs to the northeast of the Empire. Within the Empire, the Princeptians are seen as a backwater people who are unremarkable in any way beyond their ability to fight each other. Despite that imagery, they are actually a culture of shrewd merchants and warriors who have been shaped by the unforgiving lands surrounding Caratunk Bay.


Mountain Dwarves

These dwarves inhabit the handful of sprawling underground cities nestled deep within mountain ranges throughout the lands. They may be among the most ancient of customs, largely unchanged since the Long Dark many millennia ago. One thing that makes them distinct from other people is their strong sense of pacifism in the face of outside threats, instead being able to rely on the impenetrable nature of their mountain fortresses. However, when they are forced to confront a threat head on, they are formidable opponents.

Unsurprisingly, mountain dwarves are among the best miners, smiths, and craftsmen of stone and metal in the world. Their underground lives have left them mostly severed from the spirits that allow direct channeling of magic, but they have learned to harness certain magic-imbued ores deep within the earth to imbue artifacts with very stable magical forces.

Hill Dwarves

Hill dwarves are any dwarf that was not born within the underground dwarven cities. Due to the law that only dwarves born within the underground cities are allowed within the cities, these dwarves occupy the surface lands around the entrances to the underground metropolises. They are known for being more amiable to outsiders than their underground brethren, some even living within human or halfling settlements.


Elves are tall, long-lived human-like beings who may be found in the Northern Lands. Indeed the vast majority of Elves are genetically very similar to humans, but unlike humans live on average 600 or 700 years and have a natural affinity for magic.

Sylvan Elves

Most of the time, elves are nomadic. Groups of dozens of elves, tied together by their relationship to a designated moon priest, travel the world guided by nodes of strong magical energy. Some are known for traveling by ship, others by land-based caravans with ornately carved wagons, others groups by more flexible means. Along the way, they raise money by taking mercenary contracts, sharing healing practices, trading crafts, and other odd-jobs. These Elves are commonly known as the "Sylvan Elves".

The Sylvan Elves are among the most magic-attuned people in the world, with almost every elf having a direct connection to magical energy. However, due to both the laws of Imperial lands and their own religious customs, most refrain from using significant magical powers outside of specific rituals.

On a calendar governed by a group’s moon priest, every few years a group of elves will return to one of many ancient Temple-cities. Here, they will stay for a year before returning to their nomadic lifestyle. These ancient cities were left behind many millennia before and the elves (along with gnomes) see themselves as the caretakers of these ancient, magically imbued places. To take care of these places, pregnant elves, recent parents, the elderly, and those otherwise unable to travel nomadically live in the cities full-time. Here they perform religious ceremonies, grow food to feed visiting nomadic groups, and raise elf children communally.

Cosmopolitan Elves

Some Sylvan Elves settle in human cities and towns, and even marry humans or half-elves. These Elves (and half-elves), when they assimilate fully or partially into human culture, are called "Cosmopolitan Elves". Most emblematic of Cosmopolitan Elves is their sedentary rather than Nomadic nature, though there's not a strict delineation. Additionally, Cosmopolitan Elves are much less likely to practice magic than their nomadic brethren, though some cosmopolitan Elves have occasionally been known to rejoin Sylvan society.

Some towns, such as Flaa in Invëénland, Indip, are composed of almost entirely cosmopolitan Elves.

The Ildarii

Part of a 2024 Lore Expansion by Jon

The Myth of "The Visitors"

It is rumored that there are other species of Elves that may still be found in the Northern Lands. These are referred to as "The Visitors" by Imperial common folk. It is told around campfires and in bedtime stories that these Elves can teleport, travel among the stars, have crystalline skin, and are older than the World itself, having come from the previous World. The Imperium scornfully denies the existence of The Visitors, considering them an invention of heretics and apostates.

In Wuldan and other non-imperial human domains, parents tell their children stories of the noble "Elves of the Aurora" who sacrificed themselves to seal away the Deadmoon. Most Cosmopolitan Elves and half-elves also consider the Visitors to be a myth, though many Elven bards incorporate them as a theme in their performances and tales. Some Cosmopolitan Elves even boast or jest of having Auroran Blood, but this is probably bluster.

On the matter of The Visitors, The Sylvan Elves and maybe even the Wuldans may know more than they're letting on...

The True Nature of "The Visitors"

The Visitors' true identity is that of the Ildarii (singular: Ildari, pronounced similarly, shorter sound at the end), the ancient Elven progenitor race responsible for building the great temple cities Alk'Sira, Alra'Nazar, Jezier'Raïk, and Kiv'la. While very similar in appearance to Sylvan Elves, the lineages are fairly distinct, being only slightly more related to each other than either are to humans and other humanoids. They are functionally immortal, being also related to High Ulso, the Aldari, the demigods of yore. The Ildarii still extant in the Northern Lands are, in a sense, living fossils, reflecting a genetic history prior to the mixture of the bulk of the Elves with other humanoids.

The Ildarii were said to have vanished long ago, or to perhaps never have existed at all. In truth, most Ildarii travelled beyond the "Circles of the World" long ago, and even those remaining may not fully understand where their kin have gone. Regardless, the Ildarii rarely now involve themselves in governance or trade, deferring instead to the Sylvan Elves and Gnomes who now inhabit their ancient cities. Indeed only a few dozen Ildarii remain within the Innermost Circle ("on the surface of the planet," as we might say).

To a member, those Ildarii who remain on the planet are gifted hunters of Aberrations. These Ildarii see themselves as rearguards against the threats their kin left the Circles long ago to defet. All belong to one of two extant orders:

  1. The Deepseekers of Jezier'Raïk, who hunt Graxils - aberrations associated with the Deadmoon, Almak-Neara.
  2. The Seershadows of Kiv'la, who pursue nameless aberrations associated with the living Moon.

On the lifespan of the Elves

  • Sylvan and Cosmopolitan Elves, as the same "species," live on average to 600 or 700 years. There are exceptional cases pushing well beyond that, though this happened far more frequently prior to the arrival of the Kaldrinic Dynasty.
  • It is not known even by their own loremasters how old the Ildarii may become. It has been suggested they are unaging entirely after reaching adulthood (usually at around 100 or 200 solar years) and that they still appear youthful even after four or five millenia. What is said is that their lifespan is pegged to some force or world beyond ours, and the passage of time here has less an effect on their bodies than does the passage of time in some other more preserving realm to which all Ildarii are invariably linked.
  • Half-elves (those children of non-Ildariin Elves and Humans) have wildly varying lifespans, but always falling within the realm of humans (65-105 years) and non-Ildariin Elves.
  • Non-Ildariin and Ildariin Elf hybrids are considered rare if not mythical, but it is postulated that all Non-Ildariin Elves are the product of an ancient admixture between the Ildarii and as now extinct humanoid race. Elves with partial Ildarii ancestry are speculated to have unknown lifespans simultaneously subject to worldly and otherworldly forces.
  • No records of Human or other Humanoid and Ildariin mixed progeny have been recorded, so a theoretical lifespan is only speculative.

Homebrew Source Information:

  • The Ildarii are closest to 5e's Eladrin or to (surprise surprise, eye roll if you will) Tolkien's Quendi. If they were to belong to a specific Tolkien lineage, it would be Telerin (Nandorin, even?) or Avarin, rather than Noldorin, and very probably not Vanyarin.
  • The Seershadows and the Deepseekers are to a member Horizon Walkers.


History has forgotten where halflings came from, though many myths suggest they evolved from groundhogs and sprang out of the ground one day. In recent memory, most halflings live integrated within human society or hill dwarven communities, though there are many rural farming and mining villages consisting of almost entirely halfling populations. Most significant is Burrowton, the closest thing to a halfling city, about two days upriver from the City of Lynnmouth.

Halflings are known for their casual and laid back natures. They rarely will choose to pick a fight, preferring to solve disputes through games and challenges like drinking competitions and riddles. They are not particularly spiritual people, preferring dealing with the hear and now rather than speculate what the future might hold.


Gnomes are a mysterious people to most of human civilization, as most choose to live alongside elves within the giant ancient complexes of the Ildarii Temple-cities. Those gnomes who do leave the elven controlled lands tend to either integrate quietly into human society or live secluded lives either alone or in small family units deep in the woods where they can practice their magics undisturbed by human laws.

Orcs and Half-Orcs/Unhorned

Orcs, and their so-called “half-orc” or "Unhorned" relatives hail from the steppes to the east of Imperial lands. They don’t have a centralized leadership structure and instead are made of hundreds of clans that live nomadically in the lands east of the Empire. Orcs are known for customs that are perceived as excessively violent and cruel by the standards of most other people, and are identifiable by the full length horns protruding from their foreheads. Half-orcs, identifiable due to the lack of horns, which are periodically whittled down during childhood, are known for the intense sense of honor, duty, and personal rules that replaces the cruelty of their cousins.

Half-orcs are not actually the progeny as orcs and human relationships, as some myths portray, but rather represent orcs who follow the teachings of the ancient prophet Mulua, whose teachings led to a cultural revolution within many orc clans. The result is a culture that exists alongside, and often in conflict with, orc culture. Mulua, a visionary of the "Unhorned," led many to forgo practices that to humans appear excessively violent and primitive, like the sacrifice of the first-born to the earth spirits and religious decree to kill or enslave every non-orc in a clan’s path. As a result, “half-orcs” are tolerated by human civilizations. Within the Imperial Capital of Ashenstone, there is an entire half-orc enclave within the city.

The paragraphs that follow are part of a 2024 Lore Expansion by Jon

In -982 KD, the Orcish Necromancer-kings L'Ratomi and Z'ratomi captured and burned as a heretic the High Priestess Anüa, Mulua's great-great-granddaughter, launching the infamous Inquisition of the Horns. This inquisition lasted half a century, with Orcish necromancers and blood priests persecuting, murdering, and reanimating the corpses of their Half-orcs to serve in the undead fleets of the orcish Necromancer-kings. This triggered the Great Flight of the Unhorned, leading to the mass Unhorned migrations northward up the Western rim of the Gold Desert, inhospitable to the Undead Fleets which required occasional exposure to the air of the sea to remain re-animated.

For nearly a millenium, during the Indip Empire, half-orcs were venerated as the "Holy Unhorned" by the humans of Indip - indeed the name "Indip" is an homage to the historical holiest site in half-orcish ethno-religious history. This venerated status of the half-orcs among humans declined sharply with the fall of the South Indip Empire in 9 KD.

Unfotunately, despite the millenia-long history of proved nonviolence of the Unhorned, there are some zealots in the Imperial high command and religious structures who are known to privately view Half-orcs with suspicion and even hatred, considering them Orcs pretending civilization as a pretense to plunder and pillage more effectively later.

Dreamcursed (Tieflings)

Part of a 2024 Lore Expansion by Jon

Dreamcursed, as they are most commonly called, are not so much a culture as a specific group of individuals from various backgrounds with unique traits from birth. To the wise and well-learned they are known as Tieflings, beings with a mysterious infernal lineage.

Dreamcursed are rare, and most people in the world will live without ever meeting one. In fact, they occur so rarely that few if any know any other. Over the centuries, scholars dedicated to the study of Dreamcursed have determined that there are exactly thirteen alive at any one time.

What little is known to scholars about the phenomenon of Dreamcursed points to some relation to Tief the dream-spirit (or god of dreams in some cultures). The appearance of Dreamcursed is said to match those of Tief – horns, a tail, solid colored eyes, and unnatural shades of skin. But more peculiar is the apparent inability for tieflings to have dreams when sleeping, pointing again to an association with the great dream-spirit.

Despite their rareness and unusual appearance, people who interact with Dreamcursed often find comfort in their presence and though they can’t place it, feel a sense of familiarity with any they meet. Scholars have suggested that this may be because of the resemblance to Tief, who people claim to often see in their dreams. This strange sense of familiarity also strangely wards off any particular surprise individuals might otherwise have upon meeting such striking appearance.

How Dreamcursed appear is also mysterious. Most records suggest that children destined to become Dreamcursed are born to single mothers. Cultural hearsay suggests they are blessings (or curses) upon women whose biggest dream in life is nothing more than to have a child but for whatever reason are unable to. Some Dreamcursed appear to be products of immaculate conception, with no paternal figure at all. Once again, scholars and spinners of folk legend alike have speculated that Tief plays the role of the father in a biological sense, and that Tief transcends from the spirit world to grant these women their biggest dream. Many Dreamcursed mothers are reported to recount seeing Tief frequently in their dreams in the time leading up to discovering they have somehow become pregnant.

In infancy, Dreamcursed Tieflings appear as their mother’s race, but as they age into early childhood, they start to develop the tell-tale Dreamcursed traits like solid colored eyes (no apparent pupils, irises, or sclerae), horns, tails, etc. They wil always carry some traits of their birth race though, for example dwarf Dreamcursed will be short and stocky.

While most Dreamcursed are treated fairly well, there are reports, mostly in Imperial cities, of mothers who abandon or murder their Dreamcursed children upon their transformation - these mothers are said to one day go wild with nightmares and lose the near-omnipresent sense of familiarity that most folks take for granted, either dying themselves soon after or going permanently mad. The Dreamcursed children themselves do not seem inherently affected by the madness, but are ususally (and more than understandably) very traumatized by the experience. Even more strangely, this nightmare effect has been observed to spread, with nightmare-afllicted Mothers' towns becoming temporary hotspots of Dreamcursed persecution at the hands of half-mad townsfolk.

It is suggested that this phenomenon appears most often in Imperial cities due to the strong suspicion of magic and magical beings in the traditional Imperial Faith - Dreamcursed are sometimes unfairly conflated with magical constructs and spirits the Imperial faith abhors. Additionally, some religious zealots pray fervently against figures such as Tief, even conducting rituals to excise Tief's influence. Imperial-skeptic cultures such as Wulda point to this practice frequently in their criticism of the Empire. Legally, however, the ancient trial of Ashenstone Dreamcursed Asmos the Wise established in Imperial Law that Dreamcursed have equal rights as full citizens, much to the discomfort of Imperial Faith zealots.

Ashenstone, the imperial capital, is accordingly a strange patchwork of acceptance and ostracism for Dreamcursed. Dreamcursed born in Ashenstone have been known to haunt the streets as family-abandoned urchins only to end up later as famous musicians or respected merchants later.

Ultimately, most Dreamcursed end up living (mostly) normal lives, especially outside of the Imperial center. However, Dreamcursed are cursed to finally begin dreaming and be visited by Tief at night in the year prior to their death. Most carry on, unaware of the meaning of the sudden dreams, but those in the know quickly realize their fate draws near...


The Tayns were once the dominant cultural group in the north prior to the arrival of the empire. Historically, there were five major Taynish kingdoms, though now only two remain as semi-autonomous kingdoms under Imperial rule.

Though they are now largely agrarian people, their history dates back hundreds of years prior to the presence of the Empire as a collection of woodland tribes that shared similar cultural and language roots. Over the centuries, and in the face of foreign enemies, the tribes united first into many smaller kingdoms and confederacies, to their eventual peak of five allied kingdoms spanning not only Taynuit and Lynnla, but stretching into Negarta, northern Denrylak, and western Mulhong, at the time known as Gritia.

Tayns have a strong history of agricultural traditions. Land inheritance and ownership laws gives peasants more power in the Taynish kingdoms than serfs in other feudal systems enjoyed. The result though has been centuries of issues with Imperial land-grant policies that has led to continued issues with full assimilation of Tayns into the Empire.

Taynish religion is heavily grounded in the worship of the spirits that bring magic to the material world. Worship was overseen by local circles of priests, who were often powerful mages that acted as the bridge between everyday people and spirits.

Due to the strong support for the remaining Taynish royal houses and feelings of religious oppression, the Tayns have been a constant threat of rebellion to the Empire since the kingdoms were first invaded in the 3rd century. Though most Tayns in the cities have converted to the Imperial religion and enjoy many imperial customs, the ancient practices are still held in more rural parts of Taynuilt and Lynnla.




Languages Spoken: Thring, Eastern Tayn, Imperial Common

The Thringen, or Thringana in their own tongue, are a people related to the Tayns native to the foothills and mountains of eastern Lynnla. Although their language and spiritual customs are similar to the Tayns, they are believed to have culturally diverged from the Lynns and other Taynish groups centuries prior to the establishment of the Kingdom of Lynnla, reflecting instead a holdout of the tribal societies that once dotted the northern provinces.

Due to their decentralized clan politics, they have had little power over the centuries to resist displacement by first the lowland kings and lords in what eventually became the Kingdom of Lynnla, and much later the expansion of the Kaldrinic Empire. Now, the Thringen are largely relegated to living deep in the dense forests of the Greenrock Mountains. However, this arrangement is not an ill fit, as they are a people whose lives revolve around a close association with the forest. Although technically an agrarian society with established villages, a substantial portion of their food comes from hunting game in the woods and gathering mushrooms, berries, and natural root vegetables. This has remained sustainable due to the abundant and resilient ecosystem of the Greenrock Mountains and a careful respect for the balance between man and nature, and a deep understanding of when intervention is needed to maintain that balance whether magical or not.

They are also expert woodsmen, scouts, and hunters. Reportedly, the historic Lynn nobles would only trust a Thringen as a scout for their armies. And though the Lynns of old largely ignored or disparaged the “forest people”, in a pinch they would turn to Thringen Druids for the most mysterious of ailments and problems.

The Thringenla are self-admittedly poor at metal-smithing, having limited access to raw metals and a preference for lighter materials. However, their woodworking and leatherworking skills are considered some of the finest in the northern provinces, rivaling even the skills of the elves. Certain clans also became adept at working with the copper found in portions of the mountains, though its use was mostly limited to jewelry, ornaments, and other items of great value. They are also known for breeding Brica Ponies, which are stouter than typical horses but are adept at climbing up and down the hills and navigating the uneven forest ground.

Some Thringen tribes are associated with the more northern Isarick Mountains, known as the “Grey Thringen”. Due to the harsher conditions of the Isarick Mountains compared to the Greenrocks, the Grey Thringen were purported to be meaner, tougher, and quicker to a fight. To an extent this was true, as the Grey Thringen were known to leave the mountains to raid neighboring communities to supplement their supplies, especially following colder winters and poor growing seasons. Despite this, the Grey and Green Thrigen still viewed themselves as close kin. By the 400s K.E., Imperial incursion, integration into Lynn communities, and dwindling resources meant the population of the Grey Thringen had dwindled to only a few thousand. By then, the Grey Thringen were viewed by lowlanders more as raiders and bandits than a full-fledged society.

Kaldrinic (Imperial)

World Regions

This page is a directory to all major regions in the Northern World! You'll find info, maps, landscape views, and facts.

Map of the World

alt text

Human-Dominated Lands: Summary

The Ashenstene Empire

The lands of the North are dominated by Ashenstone Empire, also called the Kaldrinic Dynasty to distinguish it from previous empires in the broader world. Also simply called "The Empire," it includes the Imperial City of Ashenstone and Nine Provinces:

  1. Ashenstone City 👑
  2. Ekryp
  3. Indip
  4. Taynuilt
  5. Mulhong
  6. Denrylak
  7. Negarta
  8. Korren
  9. Cardeanon
  10. Lynnla (Newest, seized 436 KE by High Lord Chakri, a scion of Ashestone)

Independent Lands

  1. Wulda
  2. Sygassas
  3. Princepta
  4. The Southern Kingdoms

No-Man's Lands

  1. The Marrow Mires
  2. The Untamed Steppes
  3. The Gold Desert

Human-Dominated Lands: Details


Imperial Capital


  • Imperial
  • Cosmopolitan, with many enclaves of different people and cultures through the city

Major Cities:

  • Ashenstone

Climate / Biomes:

  • Mediterranean


Imperial Province


  • Imperial

Major Cities:

  • Many urbanized centers throughout, with most on the coast of navigable rivers

Climate / Biomes:

  • Mediterranean to Arid
  • Steep rocky hills throughout
  • High arid plateaus in the island center



Major Cities:

  • Drimmharbor (Imperial Admin Seat and Imperial Royal Navy Yard)
  • Palace of the Pointed Crown
  • Other cities throughout, significant farmland


  • Temperate (Western) transitioning to dryer steppe climate (Eastern)
  • Mix of forests, farmlands, hills
  • East rises towards the higher grasslands
  • Isolated mountain range in the Northeast
IndipQuick Facts
ClimateTemperate (Western), Arid (Eastern), Unknown (interior)
NationKaldrinic Empire
GovernmentImperial Ministry Appointed Governor, Drimmharbor has a partially military government
Main CultureImperial, cosmopolitan
Minor CulturesOld Indipian, Central Half-orcish, unrecorded others
Population350,000 - 0 K.E.
750,000 - 100 K.E.
2,500,000 - 442 K.E.
GovernmentImperial Ministry Direct Rule
Main IndustriesMilitary production, rice



Imperial Province


MulhongQuick Facts
ClimateTemperate (Western), Arid (Eastern)
NationKaldrinic Empire
Main CultureImperial
Minor CulturesNew-Mullochian, Old Indipian
Main Industries


  • Mostly Imperial
  • Some Tayn in western portions (Gritia Plains)
  • Isolated half-orc settlements in the east

Major Cities:

  • Sarreff (abondoned & haunted)
  • Northanchor (Imperial Admin Seat and base of the Northern Imperial Navy)
  • Stonklin

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate (Majority), Boreal (Bleak Coast)
  • Mix of grasslands, forests, farmlands, hills


Semi-Autonomous Kingdom (under Imperial control)


  • Mix of Tayn and Imperial

Major Cities:

  • Taynuilt (Capital)
  • Others (unnamed)

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate
  • Mix of deciduous forests, farmlands, hills
  • Far southwest is dryer more grassy upland area


Semi-Autonomous Kingdom (under Imperial control)


  • Wuldan in the far north (Bleak Coast)
  • Mix of Tayn and Imperial.
  • Dwarven and Old Tayn around Greenrock Mountains
  • Halfling settlements along the Lynn River valley

Major Cities:

  • Balnoorial (Royal Seat)
  • Lynnmouth (Imperial Admin Capital)
  • Fieldhaven (Small but notable farming community to the north

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate (Majority), Boreal (Bleak Coast)
  • Mix of deciduous and conifer forests, farmlands, hills
  • Small, older mountain ranges in the east


Imperial Province


  • Mostly Imperial
  • Small amounts of Tayn in rural areas.

Major Cities:

  • Unnamed coastal cities on north and south coasts

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate (Majority), Mediterranean along south coast
  • Mix of deciduous forests, farmlands, hills.


Imperial Province


  • Mostly Imperial
  • Sygassan influence to the west

Major Cities:

  • Unnamed cities on east coast
  • Riverside trading settlements throughout

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate (North), Semi-arid (South), Mediterranean (West/South)
  • Grasslands/Savanna divided by steep lush river valleys
  • Land rises to the west towards the mountains, becoming dryer, cooler, and steeper


Coalition of semi-independent City-States


  • Mostly Sygassan
  • Some dwarven and halfling settlements throughout

Major Cities:

  • Many sizable, urbanized centers along the coast and along river corridors

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate (North), Mediterranean (South)
  • Hilly lands with fertile river valleys
  • Steep mountains to the east

The Rock Hills

Imperial Territory with semi-independent city-states


  • Imperial
  • Minor influence from the Southern Kingdoms
  • Semi-nomadic human, half-orc, and orc clans inland

Major Citire:

  • A few along the coast

Climate / Biomes:

  • Dry savanna and forest along the coast
  • Arid rocky ridge and valleys inland


Imperial Province


  • Imperial
  • Occasional Wuldan settlements along the coast

Major Citire:

  • A few in the south

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate
  • Forests with valley farmlands
  • Relatively flat coastal plains rising to rocky mountain foothills


Imperial Province (Most recent)

Mostly Wuldan. Imperial culture spreading inland and to the north

Major Citire:
Kraith (Imperial Admin Seat)

Climate / Biomes:
Temperate (South), Boreal (North) Mix of forests, gentle hills. Farmland around rivers and cities. Many lakes to the north.


Independent Kingdom(s)


  • Wuldan
  • Scattered Hill Dwarves, Mountain Dwarves in far east

Major Cities:

  • Highcliff
  • Sundenvakt (Southeastern trading port)
  • Dier-Kahn (Northern trading port)

Climate / Biomes:

  • Boreal. Tundra/Arctic in far north/northeast
  • Steep Mountain/Fjords (West), flatter lake-filled lands (East)


Independent petty kingdoms and principalities


  • Majority Princeptian
  • Localized Wuldan settlements

Major Cities:

  • Many medium-sized cities along the coast


  • Boreal, sub-arctic (east)
  • Thick conifer forests. Thinner and more tundra grassland to the east
  • Relatively flat lands with many lakes and bogs

Marrow Mires

“No-man’s land”

The few inhabitants of the area have ties to Princepta or other older pre-imperial cultures.

Major Cities: None

Climate / Biomes:

  • Temperate
  • Mix of forests, swamps, lakes


Click link to see main article


The Independent City of Crag

CragQuick Facts
RegionGrey Sea
Main CultureWuldan, cosmopolitan
Minor CulturesTaynish, Kaldrinic
Population1,000 - 0 K.E.
5,000 - 100 K.E.
10,000 - 450 K.E.
12,000 - 600 K.E.
GovernmentMerchant Council
Main IndustriesMercantile Trade,
Seafood, Oil, Wool

Southern Kingdoms

Collection of independent kingdoms and city-states.


  • Southern

Major Cities:

  • Many ancient cities near major trade hubs and/or water sources

Climate / Biomes:

  • Semi-arid to arid
  • Broad valleys separated by rocky hills and plateaus

Dwarven Metropolises

City of Mines

Within the western portions of the Greenrock Mountains (Lynnla) The largest known dwarven metropolis Known for high quality metallurgy and stonework. Has a substantial number of surface settlements inhabited by dwarves, halflings, and some humans.

City of Stone

  • Based out of the eastern end of Wulda
  • Relatively small city, inhabited mostly by dwarven refugees from the abandoned dwarven cities to the west
  • Very isolationist

City of Light

  • In the mountains north of Sygassas.
  • Named so for the unique fact that most of the current city is carved into the faces of mountains, allowing natural light not found in other dwarven cities.
  • The older depths of the city are sparsely inhabited and used for utilitarian purposes like mining, manufacturing, and storage.
  • Is the only official Mountain Dwarf city that permits entrance into the city by any approved visitors, rather than restricting access to only Mountain Dwarves.
  • Has a long-standing mutual relationship with Sygassas.

City of Tunnels

  • In the mountains east of the city of Taynuilt.
  • A relatively small city by dwarven standards. Have a focus on trade and production of luxury goods.
  • Name relates to the sprawling network of tunnels that form the backbone of the city and that extend for miles in all directions. It is claimed these tunnels connect to other dwarven cities or hidden entrances in other places of importance.
  • Very few surrounding surface settlements, instead nearby hill dwarves live among human-dominated settlements.

City of Spires

In the mountains between Korren and the Marrow Mires.

This city has long controlled the mountain pass between Korren and the east, and has been able to use that to control the movement of goods and people east-west (for a fee of course).

  • Name refers to the massive stalactites that are found throughout the natural caverns that most of the city is built within.

  • Known for the export of their specially cultivated strain of cave mushrooms that are a delicacy throughout the world.

Other Cities

There are numerous smaller dwarven cities throughout the lands. There are also a scattering of hill dwarf settlements on the fringes of human lands.

There are many abandoned dwarven cities throughout the lands. Some have been reclaimed by others, but most are inhabited only by the ghosts of history. The reason for abandonment varies, but is never discussed due to the associated feelings of shame and failure by dwarves. Human settlements that make use of part or all of an abandoned dwarf city include:

  • Ashenstone
  • Highcliff
  • Stonklin
  • Palace of the Pointed Crownm

Elven / Gnome Lands


The temple city and surrounding ancient forests to the north of Korren.

_Former home of Flim-Flam the Lost.


The collection of minor temple cities covering the island of Jezier to the north of Taynuilt. Most of the city nodes are along the coast, with the exception of the grand moon temple at the center of the island.

Home to the secretive Ildariin Deepseekers, hunters of Graxils and friends of the Old Kyver.


A small temple city built on the southern slopes of the hills in the far northeast stretches of Wulda.

Home to the secretive Ildariin Seershadows, hunters of celestial Aberrations and protectors of the Wuldan Ice Seers.


The temple city built along the jungle and swamp delta of the Nazara River south of the Empire.

A hotspot of Graxils has been detected underneath the city in recent times...

Region: Indip

Quick facts

Major Cities:

  • Drimmharbor (Imperial Admin Seat and Imperial Royal Navy Yard)
  • Palace of the Pointed Crown
  • Other cities throughout, significant farmland


  • Temperate (Western) transitioning to dryer steppe climate (Eastern)
  • Mix of forests, farmlands, hills
  • East rises towards the higher grasslands
  • Isolated mountain range in the Northeast
IndipQuick Facts
ClimateTemperate (Western), Arid (Eastern), Unknown (interior)
NationKaldrinic Empire
GovernmentImperial Ministry Appointed Governor, Drimmharbor has a partially military government
Main CultureImperial, cosmopolitan
Minor CulturesOld Indipian, Central Half-orcish, unrecorded others
Population350,000 - 0 K.E.
750,000 - 100 K.E.
2,500,000 - 442 K.E.
GovernmentImperial Ministry Direct Rule
Main IndustriesMilitary production, rice


Indip is one of the oldest Imperial provinces, containing most of the former Old Indipian Empire (Ley-Indip-Ley). Interestingly, Indip as a whole is now often thought of as a backwater, despite its more central location geographically and Old Indip's tremendous wealth and military might. The current capital of Provincial Indip, Drimmharbor, is home to the Imperial Navy Fleet and a chief city of the Empire.

  • Being less than a day's boat ride from Ashenstone, Drimmharbor is as cosmopolitan as Ashenstone itself. The size and wealth of Drimmharbor lead many to forget that the greater Drimmharbor District is not itself a top-level province of the Empire, and most Ashenstonians rarely mention "Indip" by name, instead referring to the region as a whole as "Drimmharbor" or "Drimmland".

Districts of Indip


Within Indip, the Imperial Provicinial Land Ministry divides Indip into three coastal "districts" as well as the unorganized "Indip Expanse":

  1. The Mulmarch. (Historically Izyal, or Mulloch-Izyal) The Mulmarch is an Agricultural region north of Drimmharbor, extending up to the border of Mulhong. The original homeland of the nomadic Human chieftans who eventually coalesced and formed Mulloch-Izyal and later the Old Indip Empire - the (Ley-Indip-Ley).

    • Indïdip ("Over-Indip"), the historic capital of the Old Indipian Empire, is located here, on the south shore of Lake Mulhong (also and formerly known as Lake Mulloch). Briefly the population center of the region after the formation of the Old Indip Empire, it was soon eclipsed by Great Invëye in Indip's south.

    • The Mulmarch area depopulated quickly after the establishment of Drimmharbor. Now economically depressed, though home to some interesting architecture and a cultural center of traditional Indipian crafts. Considered a pass-through region by most Imperials.

  2. Drimmharbor District. Officially the modern capital district of Indip, though many forget it is not an Imperial province in itself. The City of Drimmharbor has a special political status in the Empire as the home to the Imperial Navy and is governed by a complex system of joint Civilian, Mercantile, and Military authorities. Home to roughly 80% of the total population of Indip, and virtually all of the Human population. Too many details to list here - see following sections.

  3. Ivëénland. Historically called Invëye and home to the largest city of the classical pre-Kaldrinic world, Great Invëye (Faï-Invëye). Mostly comprised of productive farmlands and wetlands on the southern Indipian coast. Historically important to the Old Indip Empire as a buttress against the Orcs of the Rock Hills, it is now mostly rural in character, though far more accesible than the Indip Expanse. While Great Invëye as a functioning metropolis is no more, active port-towns and fishing villages provide modest but decent living standards to their residents who live alongside the vast archaeological sites and ruins dotting the Bay of Invëye.

  4. The Indip Expanse. The vast interior of Indip, "expanding" to the Gold Desert. Civilian law does not apply here, mostly because there's no one to administer it. Both Old Indip and Ashenstone's touches here have historically been very light.

    • Within the borders of Indip and the Indip Expanse is The Palace of the Pointed Crown, a semi-sovereign religious enclave surrounded by Indipian lands. It is included here for convenience, but it is not adminstratively considered part of Indip by the Land Ministry.

1. The Mulmarch (Mulloch-Izyal)


This region, originally known as Mulloch-Izyal, is the birthplace of the Old Indipian Empire and the ancestral home of the Chieftans and Fu-Leys of Mulloch-Izyal. Home to the Capital of Old Indip, Indïdip, known as Mullochi-Izyali before the founding of the Ley-Indip-Ley.

While wealthy with lush farmland and forests in the early days of the Ley-Indip-Ley, imperial attention soon turned to the Southern Region of Invëye. By -200 KD, land mismanagement and military defeat led to the gradual depopulation of the region and the collapse of the North Indipian Empire.

Currently economically depressed, denuded, and very sparesely populated outside of Indïdip and the small town of Izÿ, on the border of Mulhong. The North Indip Imperial Outpost exists to collect customs and offer some amenities to travellers on their way to and from Drimmharbor.


Some small salt mines exist around lake Mulhong, near Indïdip and Izÿ. Decent firewood and small crafts timber production from the Spindlewood provide some economic activity through exports to Mulhong and Drimmharbor. A modest but growing tourism industry focusing on the history of Old Indip comprises the bulk of Indïdip's economy.

2. Drimmharbor District


By far the most populous and economically important of modern Indip's sub-regions. The Drimmharbor District is also the site of the most ancient settlements in Indip, though its population remained small until the founding of Drimmharbor after Old Indip's takeover by Ashenstone. The Inbay, a small internal sea, contains The Deepwater, namesake of Indip. While very small in area, it contains some of the deepst waters in the Empire, and fishing rights are leased exclusively to restaurants and hobby fishers in the fabulously wealthy and exclusive town of Inpoint.

  • Drimmharbor - capital, site of the Royal Navy Yards, the Royal Navy Academy, the Imperial Land Ministry's Eastern Headquarters, and home to the headquarters of the famously flamboyant Lighthousers Guild, one of the rare organizations politically savvy enough to have a strong presence in both Imperial and non-Imperial provinces.

    The largest city by land area and fourth largest city by population in the Kaldrinic Empire, after Ashenstone, Balnoorial, and Taynuilt City. Extremely cosmopolitan, with Humans, Elves, Half-elves, Half-orcs, and even some Dwarves and Gnomes taking residence.

    Drimmharbor's City Government is complex, splitting power between a Civilian Legislature, a Maritime Merchant Council, and the High Command of the Imperial Navy. The three entities meet together on the first of every month in the politically and ceremonially important Drimm Conference, which enacts laws that apply to the entire District. The Imperial Navy High Command generally allows the highly active Maritime Merchant Council and Civilian Legislature to negotiate affairs for the city during these conferences, but occasionally wields its powers of Absolute Veto and Naval Decree, especially in times of war or civil unrest. Additionally, The Imperial Navy High Command, which reports directly to the Emperor in Ashenstone, alone has the power to cancel or reschedule a Drimm Conference.

  • Drimmharbor Quays - Navy operated satellite city of Drimmharbor. Site of the vast imperial drydocks and manufactories. The city is curiously under strict martial law since 390 KD. Rigorous systems of checkpoints prevent unauthorized entry despite its massive size. Notably absent of half-orcs, though the Empire claims it does not engage in discrimination. In recent years, vast shipments of enormous logs have been reported by whistleblowers, though officials either deny the rumors or refuse to comment on the matter.

  • Drez'dip - "Across Deepwater" - Half-orcs were historically pushed out of the areas immediately surrounding Drimmharbor, their claimed holy promised land, and as such the largest Half-orc town remaining in Indip is Drez'dip, on the shallower water Northern coast of the Inbay. Expanded fishing rights granted in reforms of recent decades have slightly improved the fortunes of the population, but there is still much poverty and resentment, especially since these fishing rights do not apply to the historical deepwaters where the best fish may be caught, in the Deepwater.

  • Inpoint - a very wealthy and opulent town dominated by Naval Academy elites, on the cliffs overlooking the clear deep waters of the Deepwater.

  • Cape Drimm - a small but popular destination for relaxation and hobby fishing. Fresh seafood is caught daily by seasonally licensed human and travelling half-orc fishermen. Despite existing road and land access, many now visit by boats embarking from Northeast Drimmharbor to avoid the activity and checkpoints around the Drimmharbor Quays. Private sea-side roads lead directly here from Inpoint.

  • Ashwatch Point - a small but elegant town across the Great Indip Sound from Drimmharbor. Site of the Ashwatch Lighthouse, pride of the Lighthouser's Guild. The Ashwatch Lighthouse notably houses a world-class observatory from which the Lighthousers boast they can as easily view the stars as they can the private lives of Ashenstone City's nobles through the windows in their towers across the Jewel Waters.

  • Woodgate - a small town on the edge of the District in the modest but economically and culturally important Lero's Woods. Founded in 31 KD by Admiral Hiro Drimm's son, Lero Drimm, as a lumbering outpost. Now offers tourism services and its market supplies goods to hunters and foragers. The Lero Drimm Lumbering Museum is headquartered here.

3. Invëénland

Invëénland, historically called Invëye, was a critical region to Old Indip until its fall in 7 KD, despite its relative obscurity today. The oldest permanent settlements here are attributed to the Humans of Old Indip. Centered around the Bay of Invëye, Invëénland was both the economic and military center of the Middle Indipian Empire, and its regional capital, Great Invëye so far outpaced the size, population, military presence, and economic output of the old capital of Indïdip that it was often considered the capital despite not being declared as such until the splitting of Old Indip into North and South Indipian Empires. Despite having largely decayed by the time of the Kaldrinic Empire's rise, it is said that Ashenstone set its sites on Indip so early on during its conquests lest some other power claim the right to the glory of Old South Indip and its jewel, Great Invëye.

As previously mentioned, Great Invëye is no more, but its two historical ports of Bayport and Westport, now themselves humble but active port-towns, offer glimpses of Great Invëye's former splendor.


It's hard to overstate the threat that Old Indip felt from the Orcs of the Rock Hills. If Half-orcs were holy to the humans of Old Indip, Orcs were the very opposite, considered accursed. To be fair to the Old Indipians, The Orcs of the Rock Hills waged centuries of apparently unprovoked war against both the semi-nomadic Half-orcs and the Humans who considered them their sacred ward. To this effect, Old Indip constructed one of the great wonders of the pre-Kaldrinic world: The Watergates, four leviathan floating fortresses imbued with long forgotten magics. Combined with the large Southfort and the Great Trenches (Eastrench and Westrench), the very geography of South Invëénland was fortified against threats from the Rock Hills and beyond, whether by land or by sea.

When the Ley-Indip-Ley split into independent North and South portions, Invëye remained an important though diminished city until the darkening of The Watergates in -326 KD. Its slow collapse was complete when the last South Indipian Emperor, Trag Antal XIII, was defeated and beheaded by Kaldrinic forces during the razing of Great Invëye Palace in 7 KD. The city was burned and much of the population relocatd to Drimmharbor.

Flaa, in the east of Invëénland, is a predominantly Elvish forest-town meaning "Friends" in an Elvish/Half-orcish sylvan pidgin. Home mostly to Cosmpolitan Elves (those Elves who generally live along Humans and Half-elves in the cities of the Empire) and a small number of Half-orcs, it has remained relatively stable despite centuries of shifting Indipian and Kaldrinic power structures. Some say it has long been protected by powerful magics, though the Elves demur on this subject.

While fairly remote, Flaa does sit both on the Invëéndip River and on the lightly used land-route between the Ports of Invëye and Drimmharbor. Accordingly, it sees a small but regular cadence of travellers.

Flaa is known for its natural beauty, hospitality, woodland setting, and hot springs. Salmon and Trout are plentiful inm the river, and each spring Flaa hosts "The Feast of Friends," feeding guests and residents at no cost and exporting excess catch downriver to Westport for sale.

The Empire collects taxes in Flaa and includes it in the Invëénland census, but otherwise leaves the Elves to manage the city autonomously. Half-orcs are included on the town council, and are treated much better here than in the Drimmharbor District, leading to a small population influx in the last century.

The Indip Expanse

indip expanse

Even today, most citizens of the Ashenstone Empire know little about the vast interior of Indip, despite its long inclusion under Imperial Dominion. The boundaries of the Expanse are not strictly definied, but it's safe to say that virtually all lands east of Lake Mulhong running south to the Rock Hills (and even as far West as Flaa and the terminus of the Eastrench) can be included in its general area. It is said by the Elves that Forests of immense stature and unknowable age once stood in gorges carved by the headwaters of the Invëéndip and Chalice Rivers. From the Palace of the Pointed Crown, technically within the Indip Expanse, no such forests are visible from the expansive southern vistas, but rumors persist that some remnants may still be found.

The Indip Expanse is very rarely visited by humans, unless the Palace of the Pointed Crown is included. The Empire maintains a policy of non-settlement, though in practice this only legally applies to Humans. Elves, Half-elves, and Half-orcs are said to make up the majority of the population, but no official records are kept.

The Palace of the Pointed Crown

This is the main seat of power for the Imperial Religion (Church of the Pointed Crown), sort of like the Vatican. It is not officially independent from Indip, but is generally left to its own devices by the provincial governor. It is sort of like a small city onto itself, though most functions are limited to what is needed to support the religious activities, including the many monastic chapters, training areas, pilgrimage sites, and religious scholars. Prior to the Kaldrinic Empire, it was a major religious and pilgramage site for the Ancient Indipians, and was even used as the Capital for a few Indip Kings and Emperors. The city is built within the ancient ruins left behind by the Old Ones (I forget what I called them...), so it very monumental in its construction with centuries worth of human construction built around the ancient spires and pyramids. Very different from standard human cities, and more like a dwarven city built above ground. The entire place is perched atop a small mountain range with wide, broad plateaus divided by deep rocky ravines (think Machu Picchu on a huge scale)


Indip is one of the oldest Imperial Provinces, having been among the first of the "Old Kingdoms" to fall to the Kaldrinic Dynasty in year 7 K.D. (Ekrypt was first, in year 4 K.D. Before the arrival of the Kaldrinic Empire, Indip was a separate empire that spanned modern Indip, large portions of the Rock Hills, and southeastern portions of modern Mulhong. However, the empire's hey-day was long past and thus made an easy target for the newer, stronger Kaldrinic Empire.

Drimmharbor was founded by Admiral Hiro Drimm in 6 K.D. as a major shipyard for the Kaldrinic Empire. Following the fall of the Indipian Empire it was designated the Provincial Capital of the new Kaldrinic holdings on the east side of the Jewel Sea (provinces would not be organized until 36 K.D.). It still is the home of the main Imperial Shipyard and a major trade hub. The Palace of the Pointed Crown is built deep into the mountains (unnamed) in the east part of Indip. This is the headquarters of the Church of the Pointed Crown (think the Vatican), built atop the ruins of an older Indipian temple monastery. It functions more like a small city.

The region now known to the Kaldrinic Empire as "Indip" was previously part of the Old Indipian Empire and long a refuge to the Unhorned "Half Orcs" fleeing persecuting at the hands of their cousins, the Orcs. It is said the lands were also important to the Elves, but most cosmopolitan elvish communities report not knowing much about Indip. The Old Indipian Empire, the Ley-Indip-Ley, was founded in -903 KD by Trag Çom Anatala I, daughter of the Fu-Ley of Mulloch-Izyal. Old Mulloch-Izyal centered arround lake Mulloch (now Lake Mulhong) on the current border of Indip and Mulhong. Anatala renamed the capital Mullochi-Izyali to Indïdip upon the declaration of the Ley-Indip-Ley.

The Old Indipian Ley-Indip-Ley means "Great Land of Indip", or literally "Land of Indip Land." Ley-Indip-Ley is itself an adoption of the much older Unhorned/half-orc name Lz Ïndip'ey Ah, or "Beside Deepwater [that is] Ours, Clear". Thus, the word Ïndip means literally "Deepwater," likely referring to the small crater-sea now called the Inbay, the deepest known waters in the Empire. It is theorized that the Deepwater was formed when a small splinter of Almak collided with the lands on the east coast of the Jewel Waters before -4000 KD.

  • Yå'lv, for the curious, is the word for shallow water ("waist-wet"), the old Half-Orc language having no word simply "water," using instead the word Gerz'lv meaing "life-wet" for water that is imbibed. This name Lz Ïndip'ey Ah refers to the alleged home harbor of the Half-orcs, which Half-orc elders insist is now the site of the Drimmharbor Quays - a great travesty to their culture.

Half-orcs were venerated members of the Ley-Indip-Ley, which adapted the name of the Half-orc settlement in deep respect bordering on religious fervor, much to the confusion and eventual amusement of the Half-orcs. It is stated that Anatala's father, the Mulloch-Izyalan Fu-Ley Trag Çom Alayë I, was deeply religiously moved by his experience in audience with the Unhorned Elders of Lz Indip'ey Ah in -927 K.D. After this date, official Mulloch-Izyal policy toward the Unhorned Half-Orcs (Enzayä Li-noráfu - "Holy No-horns") was one of deep reverence, deference, and respect. No records of the details of this audience are kept, though Old Indipian religious doctrine held that the Fu-Ley received a prophecy from the Gods themselves at Lz Indip'ey Ah:

  • Alayë's first-born daughter would establish a Holy Empire to protect the descendants of the Holy Unhorned Prophet Muluatë Fu-Falati ("Mulua, the First Servant of Peace"), who were sent by the Gods to bring everlasting Peace to the World.

After the fall of the old Indipian Empire to the Kaldrinic Dynasty, the rights of half-orcs diminished steadily, and their honorifc description of "Holy No-horns" was forgotten. Over four centuries of Kaldrinic dominion, humans have replaced much of the naturalized and native Half-Orc population, at least on the coast, who long lived alongside their Old Indipian human brethren in peace and cooperation. Some scholars suggest "uncontacted" half-orc populations may exist in the poorly surveyed interior, themselves said to be either remnants of the original Unhorned refugees from the Inquisition of the Horns, or "rewilded" clans of Half-orc refugees who fled early Imperial persecution.

Elves, while historically a transient presence in the lands now known as Indip, are increasingly plentiful, both on the coast and in the interior, and seem not to have suffered much under the Empire. In recent decades, rumors of large-scale logging for the Empire's navy (the Empire is famously secretive as to where it sources raw materials), have soured the Elves, Half-elves, and Half-orcs even in places like Drimmharbor and Drez-dip, far from the alleged extractions. Complicating this outrage is the claim by Imperial Foresters that no great forestlands exist in Indip - the Forests directly East, North, and South of the Drimmharbor district are relatively small in area and well visited by hunters, recreators, and foragers, all whom report no notable disturbances.

In present times, the quality of life for Humans (and for many Elves and Half-elves) in the Drimmharbor area ranks among the highest in the Empire, especially among the well-educated elite affiliated with the Drimmharbor Naval Academy and Imperial Navy. Thus, despite a burgeoning movement of resentful nature-lovers and tree-worshippers, public support for the Empire is arguably higher in the cosmpolitan population of Indip than even in Ashenstone itself. It is said that to find Ashenstone's most loyal subjects, look to Drimmharbor rather than Ashestone.

Region: Mulhong

Quick Facts


MulhongQuick Facts
ClimateTemperate (Western), Arid (Eastern)
NationKaldrinic Empire
Main CultureImperial
Minor CulturesNew-Mullochian, Old Indipian
Main Industries



Region: Lynnla

Quick Facts

LynnlaQuick Facts
RegionNorthern Empire
ClimateHumid Temperate
NationKingdom of Lynnla (?? - 221 K.E.)
Kaldrinic Empire (semi-autonomous) (221 K.E. - 441 K.E)
Kaldrinic Empire (province) (441 K.E. - ??)
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy (?? - 441 K.E)
Administrative Imperial Province (441 K.E. - ??)
CapitalBalnoorial (?? - 441 K.E.)
Lynnmouth (441 K.E. - ??)
Main CultureTaynish, Imperial
Minor CulturesVilith, Bleaker, Kyver
Main IndustriesFarming, Timber, Iron, Copper,
Silver, Pottery, Tanning, Trade

Regions and Cities of Note


Lynnla has a long history of human, dwarven, and halfling inhabitance. Since the days of the old gods, it was a land of abundance and resources. In the centuries prior the arrival of the Kaldrinic Empire, the land was host to many pre-Tayn kingdoms. Over time as cultures, people, and nations melded eventually the more well-known Kingdom of Lynnla came to be. At it's zenith, the Kingdom covered most of the region, from the Bleak Coast, into parts of Gritia, and even included some overseas lands through conquest and marraige in Negarta and Cardaenon. By the arrival of the Kaldrinic Empire, Lynnla's borders had shrunk back down to south of the Isarick Mountains and out of Gritia. With the support of the Kaldrinic Legions, the Kingdom was able to re-expand the borders to include all of the Greenrock Mountains and the Bleak Coast, and by the dissolution of the Monarchy in 441 K.E. all of the lands north of Gritia and the Rift Water were considered within the Imperial Province of Lynnla.


Lynnla can generally be divided into two main geography regions. The "lowlands" represent the gentle rolling hills and valleys along the Rift Water coast and north towards the Isarick Mountains. The "uplands" include the rugged, though not extremely tall, Greenrock and Isarick Mountains. The area between the two regions is referred to the "foothills".

The Mountain ranges are geologically part of the same ancient range, but the Greenrocks are older, softer rock leading to less severe peaks and broader river valleys. Both mountain ranges are speckled with various lakes, though the lakes in the Greenrocks tend to be larger. In general, the Isaricks are considered the harsher and colder of the two mountain ranges.

The City of Mines and surrounding dwarven communities were near the Greenrock Mountains, but geologically represented a distinct mountain division of harder, taller mountains.

North of the Isarick Mountains lay the Bleak Coast, a cold windswept region of exposed moors and rocky shorelines.

Naturally, most of the region was an almost continuous blanket of deciduous temperate forest, becoming more boreal at the higher elevations and more northern portions of the mountains. Development has led to substantial portions of the lowlands being cleared for farmland, though between settlements the region is still known for its thick forested landscape.

The largest river in the region was the River Lynn, which flowed south from the Greenrock Mountains towards the Rift Water. The wide river valley and its many tributaries provided substantial fertile land perfect for permanent settlement.


Numerous groups of people called Lynnla and its environs home.

Greenrock Mountains

The Greenrock Mountains were the eastern mountain range within the larger region of Lynnla. For centuries and well into the reign of the Kaldrinic Empire, this region was home to the Thringen people, a Taynish subculture originally native to most of Lynnla.

The Greenrocks were very old mountains, worn down by eons of weathering, ice ages, and geological forces. The name came from the green garnet that was found in many of the granite bedrocks of the region. By the time of the Kaldrinic Empire, the mountains consisted of a region of solitary, low-lying peaks with the highest being Grethyn Peak at around 6,300 feet. Between the mountains were wide but rugged forested valleys often with lakes and cold mountain brooks.

With the exception of alpine and boreal ecologies on the higher peaks, most of the region was covered in decidous and mixed forests dominated by maples, birches, oaks, pine, and hemlock.

Region: The Jewel Sea

Quick Facts

The Jewel SeaQuick Facts
ClimateWarm Oceanic
NationKaldrinic Empire
GovernmentDirect Crown Control
Main CultureImperial
Minor Cultures
Main IndustriesFishing, Trade

Regions of Note


The Jewel Sea is the geographic heart of the Kaldrinic Empire, who use their naval prowess to exert easy control over the imperial provinces bordering the sea. Since the landing of the Kaldrinic Dynasty on the shores of what is now Ashenstone, the sea has been under the near complete dominion of imperial forces. The various kingdoms, petty states, lords, and pirates who once clashed, stole, and looted throughout the sea were quickly subdued under the naval supremecy of the Kaldrinic forces. What few pirates remain make their homes on the small, more remote islands in the sea and rarely last long before being rooted out by Kaldrinic Marines in the name of securing safe trade and transportation across the water.

During the reign of the Kaldrinic Empire, all islands from which the mainland or Ekryp are not visible are under the direct authority of the Imperial Throne rather than any of the surrounding provinces. The exception to this is the semi-autonomous Chanrithi Republic between the shores of Ekryp and Denrylak, which must respond to the commands of the throne in many affairs but is allowed to manage domestic affair and many laws per their own leadership.


The eastern expanse of the sea is generally shallow and sandy. To the west, the sea bed drops off and the shorelines become rockier. Throughout the sea are hundreds of islands, ranging from small rocky outcrops with only a few shrubs to large islands that once constituted entire kingdoms, like the ancient island Kingdom of Henthruin.

City: Crag

View of Crag in 442 K.E.
A view of Seaside, the harbor and associated neighborhood on Crag's east flank

The Independent City of Crag

CragQuick Facts
RegionGrey Sea
Main CultureWuldan, cosmopolitan
Minor CulturesTaynish, Kaldrinic
Population1,000 - 0 K.E.
5,000 - 100 K.E.
10,000 - 450 K.E.
12,000 - 600 K.E.
GovernmentMerchant Council
Main IndustriesMercantile Trade,
Seafood, Oil, Wool


Map of Crag in 442 K.E.

Early History of Crag

Crag was founded many centuries before the arrival of the Kaldrinic Empire by wayward sailors, fisherpeople, and as a lay over for merchants and pirates plying the Grey Sea. It was not until the establishment of the Empire and expansion of Imperial control over maritime trade, at which time Crag expanded as a place where trade could occur free from Imperial control and taxation.

In Crag's earliest days, there was minimal leadership and instead it was an egalitarian free-for-all, free from the autocratic structures of the mainland nations. By around 150 K.E. the city had grown to the size of needing more direct leadership. The Council of Merchants was formed by the wealthiest residents of the city, most of whom had grown wealthy through both legal and illicit trade. Each member of the council is allowed to sit on the council for 10 years before they must step down. Vacancies are filled by a public process in which aspiring members must collect as many votes as possible. This typically leads to widespread bribery, promises made, and threats, a process that is widely accepted throughout the City as the cost of leading Crag.

Notable Residents

  • Thorvir the Raven
  • Denyrla
  • Lord Tyrson Corrack
  • Lady Louissa Corrack
  • Lord-heir Eywin Corrack
  • Lighthammer the Dwarven Smith

City: Laigfhuar

View of Crag in 442 K.E.
A map of Laighfuar

The City of Laigfhuar

LaigfhuarQuick Facts
RegionTaynuilt Heartlands
Main CultureTaynish, cosmopolitan
Minor CulturesImperial, Dwarven,
Population4,000 - -319 K.E.
12,000 - 0 K.E.
15,000 - 100 K.E.
20,000 - 450 K.E.
24,000 - 600 K.E.
Main IndustriesMercantile Trade,
Seafood, Brewing,
Pottery, Arts


Map of Laigfhuar in 442 K.E.

Early History of Laigfhuar

Laigfhuar was originally settled by the early Copper Tayns many centuries before the arrival of Kaldrinic Empire. Before the establishment of the first Taynish confederacy, the Laigfhuar was a major seat of power among the independent Taynish petty kingdoms. It temporarily joined with Taynuilt during the first Confederacy agreement, but after only a few decades returned to being a most autonomous kingdom with little direct authority from the Taynuilt royalty.

By the time of the second Taynish Confederacy, Laigfhuar remained largely independent from the rest of Taynuilt, though it had lost significant lands after decades of both military and political conflict. By the time of the second Taynish Confederacy, it was among the last of the major western Taynish petty kingdoms to swear fealty to the royal family in Taynuilt, and only when faced with the reality of Indip invasion from the east by land and south by sea. Some ancient documents suggest the then-rulers of Laigfhuar were in discussions with Indipian leaders to support the invading forces in return for being allowed some level of autonomy following the destruction of the Taynish Confederacy, though that support never manifested.

Following the defeat of the Indipians and the disbanding of the Second Taynish Confederacy, Laigfhuar again attempted to regain its autonomy from the rest of Taynuilt. Three years later (-321 K.E.), war between Taynuilt and Laigfhuar broke out, with Laigfhuar hoping that support from allies in Wulda and control over northern sea trade would be adequate. However, the combined forces of Taynuil and Lynnla were enough to push the Laigfhuar forces back to the city limits, and a two year seige of the city ultimatly resulted in a surrender of the city following the suicide of Laigfhuar's leader, Syrking Rolisill Therian IV. The Theria family still holds the City as its fief to this day, though the centuries have led them to now be loyal supporters of the Taynuilt Monarchy.

The City has long benefited by its location on the Silma river, providing a safe natural port inland from the sea. The suitability of the port combined with the relatively close proximity to Taynuilt has allowed both cities to benefit for centuries from trade between the north and south for those seeking to avoid the long and dangerous ocean-faring trip around the west of Sygassas and Denrylak. The growing power and population of the Empire around the Jewel Sea, and the Empire's ongoing tension with Sygassas has only further fueled the economic boon of Laigfhuar as Imperial Trade ships via the City. This has also made the city a place of note for growing Imperial influence and power, especially among the local merchants and trade guilds.

City Government

City Council (442 K.E.)

  • Senior Councilor Jerrick Thorkarin
  • Senior Councilor Dallia Switwick
  • Senior Councilor Riggin Lorflourick
  • Junior Councilor Jin Tarni
  • Junior Councilor Helio Dolsin-Tyne
  • Junior Councilor Redirill Gyll

Tribunal of Justices

  • Council Justice Gersin Maccri
  • Lord Justice Lady Aila Theria
  • Royal Justice Priestess Hula Rishi

Duke or Duchess

  • Duchess Lyalish Theria

Other Notable Residents

  • Tanly the Rat
  • Watch Commander Sir Garrick Switwick
  • Guildmaster Astrid the Dark
  • Helrid Sharpen

City: Ashenstone

View of Crag in 442 K.E.
A view of Ashenstone

The Imperial Seat of Ashenstone

CragQuick Facts
RegionJewel Sea
ClimateWarm Oceanic
Main CultureKaldrinic, cosmopolitan
Minor Cultures
Population1000 - 0 K.E.
40,000 - 100 K.E.
1,000,000 - 450 K.E.
1,250,000 - 600 K.E.
GovernmentImperial Throne
Main IndustriesGovernment, Seafood,
Mercantile Trade, Art
Ship Repair


Map of Crag in 442 K.E.

Early History of Ashenstone

The archipelago that makes up Ashenstone is the remnants of a volcano that has been dormant, and possibly extinct, for over 2000 years. The first significant settlement of the island was by the early dwarves, who established a workshop outpost within the then-active caldera and core of the main volcano, now called Mt. Aashkeiji in the Kaldrinic language. All evidence suggests that the dwarves abandoned the outpost over two millenia ago as the magma cooled and became less useful for them. Most evidence of the dwarven presence on the island's surface has either crumbled from lack of maintenance or been repurposed into the modern structures of the city. Beneath the city, the complex network of tunnels and chambers remain and many have been repurposed to serve the modern needs of the city, from secret meeting rooms, warehouses, and temples to sewers and transportation corridors.

In the time between the abondonment by the dwarves and the arrival of the Kaldrinic Dynasty, the archipelago was inhabitated on and off by small fishing villages, mostly of people of either Indiptian or various proto-Tayn backgrounds. Closer to the arrival of the Kaldrinic Dynasty, there were known pirates and other raiders who would establish camps in the islands.

By 0 K.E., a few hundred people of mixed cultures called the archipelago home under the leadership of self-appointed "King" Leoth, though the islands were largely lawless outside of individual communities, with Leoth largely coordinating protection from various pirate groups.

Kaldrinic Establishment

The Kaldrins quickly found that the grey ash colored diabase that is found in thick veins throughout the island was an ideal building material for their quickly growing city. The stone because so prolific, that the new settlement quickly acquired the name "Ashenstone" over the original official name in honor of the last King of the Old Kingdom of Kaldran.

As word spread south to Kaldran, ships of refugees found their way to Ashenstone. At the same time, the growing Imperial conquests on the surrounding mainlands led to an abundance that permitted rapid population growth. As the city grew, so did it's reputation as a place of decadence and advancement beyond many of the older, then-crumbling cities in the surrounding kingdoms and provinces. A century after its founding, Ashenstone had already cemented itself as one of the larger cities in the known part of the world, and a century after that it was perhaps the largest city, rivalling the size of Taynuilt or Lynnmouth but without the squalor and degredation that those centuries old cities had come to face.


Main Wharf (aka The Bay)

Tucked into the natural port on the east side of the main island and shielded by the collection of smaller islands, the primary wharf for trading vessels and other civilian ships is a bustling hub of activity day and night.

Leoth's Hill

A pieceful residential neighborhood on the southern side of the main island. Leoth's Hill is named after the occupant of the site when the Kaldrinic Dynasty established Ashenstone. In exchange for "allowing" them to settle on the island, Leoth was allowed to retain life-rights for himself and his children over the hill where his estate sat. By 442 K.E. the area is now well developed, at the top of the hill remains his three story stone house and public parkland, owned by an alleged descendent of Leoth.

It is rumored that Leoth was the first non-Kaldrin to have a child with a member of the Kaldrinic Dynasty. Thus, his children are seen as the first Kaldrinic Citizens born in what is now the Kaldrinic Empire.

The Great Light

It's a lighthouse at the northern tip of the main island.

Holy Square

Not just a square, but an entire city district majorily occupied by the Church and it's associated organizations. At the center of the district with a panoramic view over the sea is the Grand Cathedral of the Family, the largest single building devoted to the Kaldrinic Faith, and one of the largest buildings in the city. In front of the Cathedral lies the eponymous Holy Square, which is one of the largest public green spaces within the inner city.

Imperial Palace

A sprawling palace complex and fortress built atop the summit of Mt. Aashkeiji. Though the formal palace covers only the top of the mountain, most of the western and southern slopes of the mountain down from the palace are privately held as Royal Gardens, consituting a massive area of greenspace that is accessible only by invitation.

Kings Port

A small, rocky bay on the southwest side of the main island. This narrow bay is the private port of call for the Imperial Family, their closest advisors, and most honored or discreet guests. The bay is large enough to hold a half dozen or so medium sized ships. Built up around the bay is a small but well fortified complex hosting a contingent of Imperial Knights, palace maintenance, and some guest space for visitors.

Connecting Kings Port to the main palace is the Jewel Road, a wide stone paved road that provides an easy climb up the gentle slope of the mountain to the palace property.

Notable Residents

  • The Emperor and Empress
  • King Leoth


Early History

Balnoorial began centuries before the establishment of the Kaldrinic Empire. It likely began as a fishing and trade outpost at the confluence of the West Lynn River and the Hieloth River. Over the centuries it grew as a central crossroads for regional travel in the upper Lynn Valley.

By around -700 K.E., the city functioned as the capital of the growing Kingdom of Balnoorial, which had then consolidated power in the Lynn Lowlands to become the predominant power in the region. It was around this time that the kingdom became the Kingdom of Lynnla, though Balnoorial remained the capital of the newly established region-wide kingdom. It would remain the capital for over 1000 years until relocated by the Kaldrinic Empire.

Thorvir the Raven

General Description

PictureLightsong the Haunted
RaceHuman (Wuldan)
ProfessionMerchant, Councilman
Born390 K.E.
Death443 K.E.

Early Life



Dead by the Beast Chakri.

Lord Tyrson Corrack III

General Description

PictureLord Tyrson Corrack
RaceHuman (Tayn)
HomeBalnoorial, Later Crag
Born392 K.E.
FamilyLady Louissa Corrack (Wife)
Lordeir Eywin Corrack (Son)
TitlesEarl of Haarin (ex)

Early Life

Tyrson Corrack III was born to Earl Hirlin Corrack and Earla Thyra Corrack, high-ranking nobility in Lynnla prior to the dissolution of the Lynn Monarchy.


Lady Louissa Corrack

General Description

PictureLady Louissa Corrack
RaceHuman (Tayn)
ProfessionNobility, Mage
HomeBalnoorial, Later Crag
Born396 K.E.
FamilyLord Tyrson Corrack (Husband)
Lordeir Eywin Corrack (Son)
Shaheila (Sister)
TitlesEarla of Haarin (ex)

Early Life

Louissa Corrack (ne-Garena) was born to Duke Ryck Garena and Duchess Wylna Garena, high-ranking nobility in Lynnla prior to the dissolution of the Lynn Monarchy.


Queen Shaheila (or "The Dread Queen")

General Description

PictureQueen Shaheila
RaceHuman (Tayn)
ProfessionNobility, Mage
HomeBalnoorial, Later Crag
Born390 K.E.
FamilyKing Helmin (Husband)
Prince Renni (Son)
Lady Louissa Corrack (Sister)
TitlesQueen of Lynnla (ex)

Early Life

Queen Shaheila (ne-Garena) was born to Duke Ryck Garena and Duchess Wylna Garena, high-ranking nobility in Lynnla prior to the dissolution of the Lynn Monarchy.


To be added

World Timeline

Major events of the world.


Only what is told in legend or gleaned from Archaeology is known from this era.

~ -14000The Ildarii, a humanoid species admitted to the Lesser Ulso, establish themselves within the Circles of the World after long wanderings.
~ -12000The Ildarii Temple Cities are founded. The Four Orders are established by the Ilda High Council.

The Ancient Post Dark Era

Very little is known about this era... .

-6666?The end of the War of Descension. The Dark Moon Neara (also known to the Tayns as Almak and the Elves as Morë'dûar Ranatth) collides with surface of planetalmak collides
-3997?End of the Long Dark. Terrestrial Ildarii society has by this point collapsed, and most mortal races believe them extinct or departed. In secret, the Seershadow and Deepseeker Orders retreat into and remain in their temple cities of Kiv'la and Jezier'Raïk respectively.
-3965?Settlement that becomes Taynuilt is founded on the new coast
-3700?First of the Kyver (Dwarves) come out of hiding.

Classical Pre-Kaldrinic History

Please note: our scribes continue to research this era. Details may be added, updated, or changed.

-982The High Orcish Necromancer-kings L'ratomi and Z'ratomi begin The Inquistion of the Horns, triggering the great Northward migration of the Unhorned along the Western rim of the Gold Desert
-904Trag Çom Anatala I declares the Ley-Indip-Ley or Indipian Empire, upon the death of her father, the Fu-Ley of Mulloch-Izyal. Anatala adopts the title Fu-Indip-Ley ("First Servant of Indip's land"), which becomes the title for all Indipian Emperors and Empresses until the collapse of the Empire.anatala
-834The City of Invëye is founded on the southern coast of Indip. It quickly grows to be the largest in Indip and the known world, becoming known as Great Invëye.
-700The Indipian Empire constructs The Watergates to defend against the Third Orcish Deadfleetalt text
-581With the support of many other nations the King of Taynuilt forms and heads the first Taynish Confederacy in light of enemy provocations to the east
-338The Incrillans are forced from their homeland and begin settling on Ekryp
-332The second Taynish Confederacy forms to defend against the Indipian Regime of Tan La Fon V
-326The Indip Regime divides between north and south due to internal power struggles, the Taynish Confederacy successfully defeat the Indipians, essentially ending the war
-324With the collapse of the Indipian power structure, the Second Taynish Confederacy disbands according to the initial treaty.
-205Great unchecked fires burn-out the Hall of the Chieftans and much of Indïdip. The North Indip Empire falls unceremoniously.
-204Founding of Izÿ on Lake Mulhong by refugees from Indïdip.
-4The dual catastrophy of the eruption of Mount Iljo and the breaking of the Gods' Dam lead to the migration of Emperor Jontosin and his people north by ship to find new lands. The Denisians, also impacted by the catastrophy, begin to migrate north too.
-3Emperor Jontosin's fleet is attacked by Orcs from the Rock Hills. Emperor Jontosin's flagship suffers damage, and his youngest daughter, Kalina, is killed.
-2Vanguards of Emperor Jontosin reach the area now occupied by Drimmharbor. They massacre thousands of peaceful Unhorned Half-orcs upon landing, tragically conflating them with the Orcs of the Rock Hills.

The Kaldrinic Dynasty

Note: Record keeping vastly improved after the establishment of the Kaldrinic Dynasty of Ashenstone.

0Emperor Jontosin dies of old age. His funeral is held atop the island of Ashenstone. His daughter Kaldrina is crowned the new empress. Based on a vision she recieves upon coronation, Kaldrina declares their years of wandering over and establishes The Kaldrinic Empire with Ashenstone as the new Imperial Seat. Work begins on the construction of Jonto Keep.
4Ekryp Falls under Kaldrinic control.
6Drimmharbor is founded; the area's remaining native half-orcs are almost immediately expelled to Drez'Dip and are banned from fishing in the Southern sections of the Inbay in favor of Human fishermen
9South Indip Empire falls to the Kaldrinic Empire. Great Invëye is sacked and destroyed. The Fu-Ley of South Indip, Trag Antal XIII, is beheaded, and the Ley-Indip-Ley as a whole is no more.
35The Imperial Provincial system is established, replacing previous system of martially occupied nations
44Denisians begin sending out explorers north to find new homeland
47Denisians begin formal migration to what is now Sygassas
52Proto-Sygassan states begin infighting as territories expand
65Ostella rises to leader of populist movement to unite Sygassas
67Sygassas is officially united into one political body, Ostella is elected first Regeant of Sygassas
135Expanding Empire reaches outer territories under Sygassas influence
138Sygassas and Empire begin Sygassan Wars as territory tensions grow
140Taynuilt joins Sygassan Wars supporting Sygassas in attemp to stifle Imperial aggresion
143Treaty between Sygassas and Empire is signed, permanent and long lasting border between Sygassas and Empire is established at Mushwong River, Taynuilt refuses to sign treaty
148Taynuilt formally unites with Lynnla through marriage, Empire declares war on Gritia the eastern most Taynish nation and invades eastern counties in order to expand north to sea
156Under the command of General Durasian the Cruel, undefended Sarreff is attacked and burned to the ground. The child heirs to Gritia are murdered, leading to the suicide of the Last King of Gritia. The surviving lords of Gritia either flee to Taynish lands or sign a treaty dissolving the kingdom under Imperial Rule.
205First Great war begins between Empire and a united coalition of remaining Taynish nations that had been threatened by Imperial domain but despite calls for a united confederacy as seen in the past they remain independent but allied nations, Sygassas does not properly joins war but supports through proxy "pirate fleets" that raid Imperial navy
208Under the leadership of Arch-mage Lyllia, province of Zhunola (NegLynnla) declares independence from Empire and joins the Taynish Kingdoms in war against the Empire
221Treaty of Five Crowns (the five subdued Tayn Kingdoms) is signed, spirit worship is banned and use of magic and is outlawed in Empire by all those not associated with the church, Taynuilt (combined with neighboring Donnuia) and Lynnla are absorbed into Empire with additional autonomy not granted to other provinces
324Isle of Cardaenon is invaded and conquered by Imperial Forces. Starts the First War of Northern Thorns
327Defeat of Empire outside Highcliff, Treaty of Cold Winds is signed between Wulda and Empire, Conquered lands are returned to Wulda but Cardaenon is officially ceaded to Imperial control
373Newly appointed High King of Wulda leads army into Cardaenon (I-Kartonon) to retake old Wuldan land, Start of Second War of Northern Thorns
375Wulda manages to retake entirety of Cardaenon, start of unofficial peace between Empire and Wulda
381After bribing and rigging local lords the Empire launches surprise invasion of Cardaenon with support of local warriors
381.8Wuldans are pushed back to the marshes, bridges and roads through marshes are destroyed to prevent Imperial use
382Wuldans launch naval invasion of Northern Imperial Mainland, Imperial forces on Cardaenon are severed from supplies and reinforcements, fighting persists through Cardaenon
383Especially hard winter leads to Imperial forces in Cardaenon surrendering. Emperor Hui III dies during a hunting incident. Hui's brother, Tark, who has been the lead commander for the Cardaenon campaign until being reassigned by his brother the previous summer assumes the throne in in the late spring, pushing out supporters of Hui's infant son. Emperor Tark personally leads a concentrated push to retake Cardaenon and retakes all major ports in a short time period. Both sides lose momentum before the Empire can push into Wuldan mainlands, but attrition on both sides leads to a mutual truce. Thee Treaty of Southern Winds is signed which officially ends the Second War of Northern Thorns with Cardaenon officially restored as an Imperial province and many local Wuldan lords executed or exiled.
402The Great Blood Plague spreads through the Empire. Due to the heroism of Half-orcs from Drez'dip in providing succor for the ill of Drimmharbor, the four-century-long Half-orc fishing ban is lifted near Drimmharbor (excluding the Deepwater, which is of particular cultural importance to the Half-orcs), and reform bills are passed in the Drimm Conference to return some rights to the Half-orcs.
435The King of Lynnla marries Shaheila
438The King of Lynnla dies under mysterious circumstances, with temporary power the King's Consort empowers multiple Imperial leaders to positions of power and signs orders that strip the monarchy of many remaining autonomies, the Inheritance Crisis begins with King's sister kidnapping the toddler prince and leading action against the King's Consort
441The Inheritance Crisis ends with the burning of the Lynnla Royal Castle at Balnoorial and the hiding of the King's Sister and her nephew and remaining heir the toddler prince though the Empire claims they are dead. Shaheila, Queen Consort, is believed dead. Monarchy of Lynnla is officially dissolved in Imperial administration and administrative capital of Lynnla is moved to Lynnmouth with new Imperial Provchu in charge
442Second Imperial temple is constructed in Lynnla as a first move to rapidly convert the people of Lynnla and instill Imperial culture in the land
443*Riots break out in Laighfuar, second largest city of Taynuilt, after the assassination of Dirk, leader of the Coalition of Dwarven Artisans. Lord Ylysir Chakri, a high ranking military official of Ashenstone and Official Provchu of Lynnla, disappears under mysterious circumstances during the riots. Aberration sightings skyrocket throughout the Empire. Laighfuar is destroyed by an incipient horde of Graxil, shadowy Aberrations associated with the Dead Moon. The "Shadow Plague" begins.
444The Empire's wars of expansion pause in light of the new Graxil threat. The Dwarves lose control of their deep vaults, devastating Dwarven economies Empire-wide.
by 450The Deepseekers of Jezier'Raïk, an order of the ageless and nearly-forgotten Ildarii Elves, end more than four millenia of total reclusion to face the Graxils head-on. With their re-emergence come rumors that more Ildarii may also re-emerge.
by 473**The Dwarves have been driven to the upper levels of their cities, and even to the surface in some places. Expeditions are sent in search of the source of the Graxils and the Shadow Plague, which has haunted the lands of the North now for nearly three decades.

* Events during which Lightsong's Journal Takes Place
** Events during which The Ashenstone Trail takes place

Lightsong's Journal

A record of the 2024 Ashenstone campaign.
DM: Adam, Saywer (guest)
Players: August, Charlotte, Jon, Matt, Mike
One-off Guest Players: Rajan, Nick

Inner Cover

For Aria,
May you sing again.

The following are my notes on my travels starting in 442 K.E. I don't know what struck me to start formally recording events at this stage, maybe it's because my companions grew a bit more stable for once.

Or maybe because I, for once, have some hope of Justice being brought to bear on that Beast and his vile progeny.


Lightsong's Journal: A chronicle of our DND Campaign from Jan 2024 to Present.

Lightsong's Journal


Ah, my compatriots. I don't fully know what to think of them.
Below is the information I have on them, which I will update with time..
- LS


SubclassEldritch Knight
HomelandCity of Mines
Age175 years, as of 442 KD
ImpressionsGenerally good natured, but she is willing to kill... perhaps too willing. She has done right by me though, and I owe my life to her a few times over. She is strong, and wields the powers of Death. I am glad to count her as an ally.

Character Backlore

Flim Flam of Alk'Sira

RaceWood Elf
SubclassSchool of Evocation
Age63, as of 442 KD
ImpressionsA powerful force of destruction. We get along well enough! He is simultaneously wise and youthful. I am not sure if he holds any secrets, but he does not really seem the secretive type.
StatusLikely deceased

Character Backlore

Hazar Cora

HomelandAshenstone City
Age28, as of 442 KD
Impressions and notesI did not like him at all at first - I could tell he was a noble (formerly, anyway) on first sight, and I swear I've seen him Ashenstone in the ritzier districts. However, I was impressed by his restraint in the Warehouses of Crag, and I have grown fond of him, despite our bickering. Very curious to find out he was once a lighthouser - this has elevated my opinion of him quite a bit, despite the apparent fall from Grace he and the other Lighthousers allude to. He shares in our goal to bring down the Beast of Ashenstone, Chakri, and for him it is also personal. I wonder what other secrets he nurtures.

Character Backlore

It is likely he was a bastard of none other than Ylysir Chakri, our nemesis, whom we killed.


PictureLightsong the Haunted
RaceDreamcursed (Tiefling of Fierna)
SubclassCollege of Whispers
AlignmentChaotic Good
HomelandEkryp (original), The Indip Expanse (Adoptive)
Age30? Ish? as of 442 KD

Character Backlore

I was born before 420 KD in Ekryp, to a single human mother, in a small bucolic village near the coast. As a very young child, I began turning into a Dreamcursed. A mob killed my mother while she was trying to protect me, and a kindly merchant, Sheb (or Shem? Or Shen? It's been a while), got me away to Ashestone City.

Eventually I ended up in Indip and was adopted by an indigenous Half-orc (we prefer the term "Unhorned") clan who nomadically travelled throughought the forests of the Eastern Indip Expanse.

See Lightsong's Secret Lore for much, much more.

Torin Thunderridge

PictureTorin Thunderridge
SubclassTotem Warrior
HomelandCity of Stones
Age205 years, as of 442 KD
ImpressionsHe could fight a boulder and win. I am truly happy he's on my side. He has shown me kindness, but I am more the distraught by the corpses he has left mangled in his wake, especially with that cursed Axe of his. He can show restraint when need be, and has listened to my counsel.

Character Backlore

Deep below the Earth, Torin found an axe bearing an old version of his family crest. It speaks to secrets he has yet to unearth.

One-off Characters

T.F. the Monk

SubclassPath of Elements
AlignmentNeutral Good
HomelandUnspecified Mountain Range
Age200 or so. Aged but formiddable
ControllerRajan Burathoki

Herman Miller

AlignmentNeutral Good
ControllerNick Ellsworth

Lightsong's Journal, Chapter 1 - Crag

The campaign begins! Late January 2024 (will take better records next chapter).
Major locations: Crag.

Day 1

  • Five characters meet in a pub in Crag.
  • They encounter a fiesty lordling, Ewyin.
  • He harrasses the kindly owner.
  • The character fight off the lordling and his goons with the help of the half-orc bouncer.
  • Lordling wanted his way with owner's daughter.
  • They do non-lethal damage to lordling and give him and his goons swirlies.

Day 2


Characters spend the night and get envelopes asking them to come visit the secret merchant who knows things.
Thorvir the Raven gives them a hit job.
They detour to the lady wizard.

Hazar tries to get employed by the warehouse manager, Drenna. He succeeds.


The group comes back the next day and they straight up murder the warehouse manager while they plunder four out of the five crates the merchant asked for.
They also murder her goons.
She drops sweet loot. Lightsong is upset because killing. Has a particular disdain for the Dwarves and the Elf. Hazar is also upset because he wanted to question them.


We continue the search, looking for the last crates.
We discover the large crate (not one of the five) in the basement.
We find the last of the five crates.
We learn that Ilya the previous warehouse manager had been disposed of. as well as the shipping ledger.

A guard from outside comes, but Lightsong uses two cantrips for the party to flee.

The party goes back to Thorvir's and everyone gets 200 Gold Pieces. Thorvir gives the group a new quest - figure out what's inside of the large marked crate, or better, steal the crate and bring it back to him. Thorvir reveals that the Lord Chakri (Lightsong seems particularly interested with violence in his heart) sent the large crate to Lord Tiersen Korak (father of lord Ewyin Korak).

The group argues about the ethics of killing bad guys vs unconfirmed bad guys. Lightsong makes peace with the dwarves but still kinda doesn't like Flim Flam.

They go to the Walrus pub. Boudicca has retired upstairs and she is not coming on the next mission. They ask the barkeep about Lord Tiersen Korak's estate - confirmed rumors of an underground cave system below the estate.
The party goes to sleep.


Day 3

Morning - Preparing

The party goes to Lighthammer the smith's shop to buy some weapons and armor.
We bought some weapons and armor.

Now they travel two hours by foot to the beach near Korak estate.

Lightsong finds a signet ring that he gives to Flim-Flam. The group splits up! Lightsong agrees to make peace with Flim Flam.

Thorin and Hazar find a cave with a ladder up to the estate, though nobody takes it yet. It's not clear where in the estate the ladder leads.

Midday - Infiltrating the Korak Estate

Hazar disguises with Lightsong's kit and goes into the Korak estate via the front gate, bypassing the ladder, as Lord Jerald Thrin (someone Hazar just happened to know might have dealings with Koraks) and takes a Bardic Inspiration. He meets with a guard and haughtily asks to be taken to see the shipment.

The steward brings Hazar to Lord Tiersen Korak. Hazar (disguised as Jeral) throws the doors open. He gets into a situation where the Lord and Lady are seeing through his disguise, and then they call the Lord Chakri who confirms lord Jeral Thrin has been thrown into jail.

Hazar is escorted by guards downstairs, but manages to trick them into letting him see a horse, which he steals and whom he absconds with to safety.

Early Afternoon - Regrouping; Boudicca Returns; the Kraken

We are in front of the mouth of the cave deciding what to do next.

A stocky figure runs toward the party! Who is it? It's Boudicca! Hooray!

The group decides to send Thorin up the ladder into the cave, which they believe leads up to the Korak Estate, but a different section of said estate. A wooden hatch appears up the ladder say 40 or so feet (Lightsong loves crevasses). Thorin starts climbing. At the bottom of the ladder, there are... a lot of bones. Thorin climbs back down.

GASP! A kraken! (unnamed aquatic monster) Fight fight fight! Torin Thunderridge carries the group! We win and harvest meat, teeth, and chitin from a tentacle the Kraken baby (it was only a baby) left behind.

Late Afternoon - the Korak Estate, again!

Thorin starts climbing again, hears some noise above. Thorin opens the trapdoor/hatch, spots storage crates, pantries, barrels, etc. in a wooden-ceilininged room and comes up, alerting the others that the coast is clear. All come up.

We see a small child looking for tomatoes. He is terrified. Lightsong uses charisma to put him at ease. The group goes through the kitchen and the chef confronts them. Lightsong deceives and the chef lets them through.

The box is in the third floor of the main building, where Hazar was last.

We get past the old ladies. Lightsong uses Words of Terror on the guard guarding the main halls. We sneak into the last bedroom on the left, then lock the door behind us. We decide to rest until it is time.

Short Rest

Evening - approaching the room with the Double Doors

The group goes to the double doors on the third floor, it shocks Torin, we get in, turn on 1/4 of the lights. Lord Tiersen Korak, Lady Luisa Korak, and Guard Captain Loric.


We kill the guard captain. We get Lord Tiersen Korak and Lady Luisa Korak to surrender before killing them.

The escape in the storm at dark

Take cloak and cover the seeing mirror. We gag and search. We knock them out. We take the mirror and crate, we walk through the pastures, get into the city, back to Thorvir's.

Late Night - Back to Thorvir's

We get the crate in. Thorvir asks us what went down. We tell him. We didn't get the pass code, we didn't deliver the letter. Oops. It was a threatening letter.


Day 4


  1. We sold our kraken meat.
  2. We sold some booze.
  3. We bought some booze.
  4. Lightsong wrote a letter to lady Louissa entreating her to Parlay.
  5. Lady Louissa Corrack came over but was really mistrusting.
  6. We got the big crate open with the help of Lady Corrack.
  7. Lady Louissa Corrack's sister (Shaheila) was in the crate! Also an ornate chest.
  8. Tierson and Ewyin knocked down the door and that's where we find ourselves.


  • The Corracks attack! We defuse it. The battle disengages.
  • The infamous Dread Queen Shaheila, believed to be executed and burned at the stake at the royal palace of Lynnla in Balnourial, one year ago, by Lord Chakri.
    • Second wife and mother of the King Helman's Third Son.
    • Many claimed she was a necromancer. King Helman was assumed dead after a tournament but mysteriously came back and Shaheila took more control.
    • The first two children died mysteriously, Renni mayhaps will take the throne? Conspiracy???
    • Shahella was notorious figure in Lynnla.
    • Her misrule is credited for the invasion of the Empire.
  • Chakri was listening to us the whole time!!! The bastard!
  • Bomb's gonna go off. Fuckin Chakri. We got barricaded. Tiersen's guards try to break the barricade.
  • Shaheila blinds Hazar, Flim Flam, and Boudicca...
  • Lightsong persuades Shaheila and Louissa to focus on the defusing the bomb!
  • Hazar asks for the blindness to be removed.
  • Hazar, Shaheila, Louissa, Flim Flam check the box to see if they can defuse it.
  • Torin and Boudicca throw the bomb out the window.
  • The bomb lands among Chakri's goons.
  • We all huddle in the corner; Hazar scoops up treasure and makes failed passes at the Dread Queen.
  • The bomb goes off and Lightsong, Hazar, and Flim Flam go into a dark purgatory; apparently the building fell on us.

Day 5

New NPC party member: Dread Queen Shaheila of Lynnla.
New NPC party member: Roach the Horse.

After the bomb, in the morning

  • We come back to consciousness, in the mires outside of Crag, we're in the woods.
  • Torin and Boudicca feel alright, but Flim Flam, Hazar, and Lightsong feel like they've come back from the dead.
  • We are not in the city.
  • The Darkvision having characters see Shaheila on the log.
  • Crag plaza was levelled, Thorvir is dead, by a beam in his own house.
  • Chakri we learn is also interim governor of Lynnla. Shaheila spits on the ground.
  • Shaheila dragged us from the graveyard pits and brought us here to the Crag mires.
  • We discuss what to do next - we decide on fleeing Crag and going to Taynuilt.

Making out from camp, through the sub-boreal swamp

  • We stumble upon Hazar's old stolen horse, surrounded by Slime Monsters!
    • Lightsong, being the erudite scholar that he is, informs the party that the monsters are weak to fire.
    • The horse is surrounded by the slime creatures who wish to devour it.
    • After a long fight, we defeat the monsters.
      • The battle starts a forest fire (we use lots of fire attacks and a flaming spear)
    • Boudicca and Hazar have to clean off the slime, which is damaging them over time.
    • A Gator-maid (think Mermaid but instead of half fish, half alligator)
    • We get out of there! Torin gets the horse.

Midday - The small fishng village Northeast of Crag

  • Go to fishing village, McConnor gets us into town and we meet Timothy.
  • Timothy takes the crew to Crag.

Evening - Boarding the ship for Laghwair, Taynuilt

  • Timothy points us to a boat that can take us to Læghwair, Taynuilt.
  • Toto the Dwarf Lady takes us up on the boat, with her dog Dorothy.
    • Pop Cornwall III, halfling, comes out and offers passage.
    • We pay 150 gold apiece.
    • We long rest.



Lightsong's Journal

Chapter 1.5 - Across the Water

On the ship Limerick, captained by Pop Cornwallis III.
Baby G the Half-orc chef.
Boatswain - Toto.

Day One

  • Hazar becomes very ill. Shaheila watches over him.
  • Flim-flam and Torin begin to spar (friendly!).
  • Boudicca collects bets from the ship-folk.
  • Torin wins and Boudicca skims profits from the bets (28g!)
  • Beautiful clear sky, the two prongs pointing north and the red coil.
  • New moons for both moons.

Day Two

  • We meet Grenna. Lightsong asks about the Mute Sickness.
    • She and Swinner met an old man who talked about it after a hunting accident.
  • We rescue Therisso Green of Ashenstone (Bard) from a small boat in the water. He has a nice lute, seemingly intact.
    • (And a big hat, of course. Probably same size as Pop Cornwallis III)

Day Three

  • Boudicca questions Captain Pop Cornwallis III on time. We're ahead of schedule. Still good weather.
  • Nothing else happened

Day Four

"These aren't the droids you're looking for"

  • Halfway through Day Four, Grenna sees something out on the horizon.
  • Another ship comes due towards us.
  • The Empire. They come in peace... or so they say.
  • Inspecting ship. Lightsong rolls a whole bunch of lucky deception and persusasion rolls.
  • Inspection ship says they want Therisso Green. Lightsong says he's Lord Major Greenwater of Drimmharbor. He stole the Xun Tome of Hiro Drimm, or so Lightsong says, and there's nothing to see here. Jedi mind trick used.
  • The inspection ship sails away. Lightsong is so lucky.

Day Five

  • The horse is sick. We ask Shaheila for help. Baby G wants to cook him up.
  • Hazar and Boudicca ask Captain Pop Cornwallis III for time update.
  • We then decide to question Grin, as the imperial inspectors were
  • Grin says there's a special crate down below that might be a big more valuable than what was declared.
  • Grenna told us they're drug smugglers and gives us Blue Dust (a.k.a Sparkle, Sparkle Powder, Vision).

Day Six

  • Mega rainstorm, Flim Flam was unhinged (dude loves the thunderstorms). Nothing else happened.

Day Seven

  • Land-ho!
  • There's someone who needs help, being attacked by something? They are calling for help in the water.
  • Maybe we'll use the Dinghy that Therisso came through in.
  • We find the fishers being circled by Plesiosaurus/Liopleurodon type creatures. As we approach, one of them (the one with a larger neck) snaps at one of the fishers and pulls him into the water, ripping him to shreds instantly, killing him. (obviously)
    • We engage in combat!!!
    • We win
  • Leo (the fisher) is thankful, but bemoans his dead compatriot, Sted.
  • Lightsong asks to send letters to Grenna and buy a drink, she blushes and obliges.
  • The crew pulls into Laighfuair!


Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-I

Arriving in Laighfuar

On the ship

  • The crew pulls into the port.
  • Lightsong deduces that he will find a bookstore.
  • Jerrick Thorkalan - good friend - we could reach out to him.
  • Lady Baroness Layalish.
  • Flawless Pork is an inn we can stay at.


  • Guards want to inspect the ship. We say goodbye.
  • Torin gets on Henry the horse.
  • Cherry wants the drugs. We gonna get 18 gold pieces for it.
    • The Lizard Bachelor!
    • Theatre District
  • Grin will give us the goods. (The Sparkle Dust)
  • The Mounted Beagle.
    • Reekal needs a bard.
    • Jerrin, the Guard.
  • The Guards check us all. We go by. Make some checks and whatnot.

Heading to the Lizard Bachelor

  • Thurysso Green reaches out to us as we depart.
  • The shack with the blue lantern on the northernmost wharf.
  • Old grizzly man inside
  • "How does one make sense in the dark?"
  • He shall respond "with a helpful light" and ask if we are bringing one?
  • "I try to share my light where I can, and I wish to share it with others"
    • He will ask us to join him on his dinghy.
  • Go through the entryways

Buying things along the way

  • Hazar buys Blade of Dusk (dagger on the longer side of things - for backstabbing, perhaps!)
  • Louie sells Lightsong 5 cabbages. Boudicca takes them.
  • Head down the street toward the Lizard Bachelor.

Arriving at the Theatre District

The Belt Theatre!

  • One of the trees has many different playbill style posters.
  • CODA - Coalition of Dwarven Artisans.
    • Meeting at the Immaculate Gryffin in Lostweave.
  • Down the street and to the left - The Lizard Bachelor.
  • Gnome Pickpocket!
  • Torin and Hazar catch the Gnome. We get back from him:
    • A Copper Ring
    • A Brass Ring
    • A set of Silvery Earrings
    • 2 Silver pieces, a Copper Piece.
    • Torin's entire coinpurse.
  • We go into the The Lizard Bachelor. We ask for Cherry at the bar, which is not received kindly.
  • All but Boudicca are led into the back room. Cherry has lots of gold jewelry. She asks us to sit down as she takes the note from Captain Pop Cornwallis III.

Session One Ends

Cherry, Hawk, and the case of the Skimmed Profits

In Cherry's Lair

  • We convince Cherry to get us 18 gold a piece.
  • We get Boudicca in from the bar to collect her gold, because Hazar rolled a 2 on persuasion.
  • Cherry has a task for us. An associate, Hawk Vorplen. We gotta shake him up. He's skimming profits.
  • Cherry's office building is The Demon Lender.
  • The Elm Snake in Palace-Stead - that's his favorite bar. If we don't find him at the office.
    • House in Wall Brook.

Back in the Bar

  • We met Herman and T.F. (Nick and Rajan one-off characters)
  • We invite them to journey with us this one time.

Walking to Lostweave, the Weapon Shop

  • We were in Estwick, at the wall... we need to find a gate.
  • We come across guards and a portcullis to the upper city.
  • We notice rogues in the new city.
  • T.F.'s insight tells us we were smart not to corner them in an alleyway.
  • We enter the shop.
  • Flim Flam charms the Shopkeep (he's Genie the Wuldan btw, which Lightsong and Torin speak).
  • Lightsong gets the Bow of the Wanderer (shortbow +1, I can shoot arrows in the air and they will land in the direction I need to go)
  • Axe of Cleaving for Torin.
  • Cunneke would know about the Blade of Dusk.

Checking out Hawk Vorplen

  • My Shortbow of the Wanderer suggests we go to the Elm Snake in Palace-Stead.

Encounter with the Baccheranes

  • We fought some... religious fanatics?
  • Herman and TF went to take our friend TF to the hospital.

Hawk and the Fight Club

The Elm Snake and the Fight Club

  • We went into the Elm Snake where Hawk Vorplen, got into the Fight Club
    • Possibly illegal.
  • We place bets on who we think will win.
  • Very important rule - no swearing!
    • Heads might roll, but your tongues better not!

The Dueling Dwarves

  • The dueling dwarves! Torin and Boudicca.
  • Lightsong cured Ayla the White with his last spell slot, to the dismay of his compatriots who were relying on his limited heals.
  • Hazar and Lightsong are fighting in the ring... or so it seems.
  • Ayla shrugs them off and defuses the situation. Dashing Lightsong's plans.
  • Hazar tries to bribe the ring-announcer.
  • Potion salesman sells Lightsong two potions of mana.
  • Ayla rebuffs Hazar who brazenly asks her out.
  • Lightsong places bets.
    • 5 gold on Hawk semi-final.
    • 10 gold on Dueling Dwarves (who are against Hawk) in the final.
    • Notices door behind booth, halfling takes bets, door closes with a click.
  • Hawk and Aylis vs. Larry and Thorn.
  • Hawks partner Gus got killed. Aylis new gf/fighting-partner.

Dueling Dwarves Win!

  • Torin needs to get nerfed, too skrong.
  • With Hawk and Aylis in the backroom.
  • Hawk saved his constitution saving throw and thus did not have
  • They all agree to go to Cherri (Cheri? Cherry?) together.

Continued in Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, II

Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-II

Continued from Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, I

The previous entries in this journal were more matter-of-fact, and reflect my best recollections of what transpired over the previous weeks. Going forward, I will write more plainly, and in the first person.

Thyrsdae, Aprel 14th, 443 KE

Confronting Cherri, with Hawk Vorplen in tow

My salubrious companions and I decided to accompany Hawk Vorplen to his mistress, Cherri, who had sent us toward Hawk and the Lizard Bachelor.

My fellow squisher, Flim Flam, is quite exhausted at this point. I was too, you know. We get back to the Elm Snake and chat with the bouncer shortly and jovially before he lets us in.

Cherri's Place at the Elm Snake

  • Girish Grog. Half orc.
  • Hawk Vorplen.
  • Cherri gives us 10 platinum a piece.
  • Coalition of Dwarven Artisans - shall we check them out?

A good long rest! Finally!

Furdae, Aprel 15th, 443 KE - Morning

We took a good rest. I feel better, at least physically. Tea and porridge with some sugar in it. They didn't have any sweetrolls. A always loved sweetrolls. Extra sugar will do.

Shaheila magic yelled 'approach' to Hazar.

We then discussed next steps.

Shaheila put a boon on my corporeal form. If I would go down in combat, I would instead be left with a thread of consciousness. (1 hp when would go to zero, one time use)

We walk toward Cherri to finish business.

Cherri says Chakri is coming to Laighfuar this upcoming week. They're going to hold a military parade.



Hazar is a bit of a wimp. Doesn't want to infiltrate.

To the old man and the dinghy (The Blue Flame)

We do the rigamaroll with the lantern. Into the Dinghy with the old man we go! He's quaint. I don't remember his name. Sometimes old folks like him have more to them than you'd think. He's surprisingly strong for how utterly frail he looks.

Coastream! The blue door! 6 up the road. Blue Lantern.

At the Lighthouser's Outpost, in Coastream

We meet Mindelrian. He's a lad of the Lighthouser's guild. The Lighthousers! I should've known they'd be here. They're everywhere in the Empire. Ixor (mage) was mentioned. Hmm. Curious. Looks like the Boat Man forgot to give us a key or something.

Ellbeyod Ovrianiah (or, however those silly Elves spell it), a more senior member, the Poisoner, I think he said? Interesting, I suppose.

We're in the Lighthouser's Outpost of Laighfuar. Martin Dersheneviet, human, is the Guildmaster of the local chapter. We strike a deal to meet the Dutchess in council.

The quartermaster Ninemriard has weapons we can purchase. Thurysso barges in. Martin simmers him down.

Buying from Ninemriard

From Ninemriard I bought a rabbit's foot. The other items were too expensive.

Hazar's Reveal

Ixor recognized Hazar. We learned that Hazar used to be a Lighthouser, interesting! Left in disgrace after his rival killed his lover. He played Dead. Then he actually died and came back with us. How fun.

We ask Ixor for help

Hazar asks Ixor to get Martin to help us case the joint. Ellbeyod Ovrianiah knows we want some spicy poisonwares. He will concoct some things for when we next chat.

I put down my quill for now - it seems that we are amassing some unexpected but welcome alllies.

Continued in Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, III

Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-III

Continued from Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, II 41 Earth date: 10/20/2024, 4:26pm

Furdae, Aprel 15th, 443 KE - Afternoon

Where were we?

(Still) At the Lighthouser's Outpost, in Coastream

Eolebiad, the Poison Master, has some poisions! Shit, they're way too pricey. I'm going to sit this one out.

Meanwhile, I write Grenna. I know you like to hear me narrate my letters; I would love to hear you laugh at this foolish one:

Dear Grenna,

I have a moment to myself (have you come across the Lighthouser's in your travels?) and I thought "shant I write the lovely Grenna?"

I still seek news of the Mute Sickness, but Laighfuär seems not to have been afflicted. Please, if you hear of anything, let me know.

I send to you these silver earrings - they reflect light much like do your eyes.

Drat, that was corny. 

Our party goes now into danger, perhaps. 

Steer clear of Chakri's men, and tell no one you know of me, or of us. 


Looks like Boudicca and the lovely idiot whom we call Hazar spent too much money. That was harsh. I'm growing quite fond of the fallen noble, I dare say.

I play a ditty for Eolbiod. Curse that spelling. And Boudicca's de-strengthenging poison is gotten for a mere 500 gold. Mere. Before this year I don't think 500 gold had ever fully passed through my hands, all together. Except, perhaps when... well, I won't write of that here.

We leave, with Thurysso in tow, for better or worse.

Back down to the Wharf and the Old Man/Dinghy

Doran the Boat Man! He is old. The same old guy.
He gave his name! It's Dora! I mean Doran. Or do I?

From the Docks of Estwick to the Lostweave

I tell Thurysso that if he proves his worth to the group, a Rapier+1 may be in his future. Torin susses out this fool and finds out he's yeah, pretty weak. (Ran a medicine check)

The Wonderful Immaculate Spectacular Gryffin. A Positive Adjective Gryffin. A little worse for wear? But! A Healthy size crowd mingles in front.

Across the street, about a decade (or decal) of city guards (there's 10 of them.)

Hazar is blabbering again. Something about robbing? I don't really know.
There's a crowd outside the playhouse, The Something or Other Gryffin. Some dwarves, elves, gnomes, and even humans. Mostly dwarves. Have we found CODA (the Coalition of Dwarven Artisans)?

CODA of Laigfuar wants a repeal of Council Law 2056:

  • Restore equal taxation of all craftspeople.
  • End of non-human craftspeople wares-seizures.
  • Restitution for losses due to 2056.
  • Public apology.

We enter the playhouse, the Phenomenal Gryffin. Hazar seems to have a bad feeling about this.

Thurysso pales, he says he sees someone with whom it went sour, romantically, about a year ago...

It's dark inside the playhouse.
I have a terrible terrible feeling about this...

Into the Playhouse, the Immaculate Gryffin

Boudicca and Lightsong Gather Intel...

I go with Boudicca to get some intel from a Dwarf Artisan, Torin stands guard at the doors, and Hazar and Flim Flam go to case the joint.

Flim-flam (whom I am alarmed to see still inside, by the way) asks the Dwarf artisan to identify his ring, which we find out is a Ring of Warmth. It provides heat up to -50 F. Familiar! I have seen this in the North of Wulda. Interesting. It's not a common trifle.

Boudicca shops at the Artisan's stall a bit more. She buys a Circlet of Blasting. We get it for 600 gold pieces. He originally wanted 900 gold. We will get the monocle of insight when we have the money. He will put it aside for us.

The Artisan's name is Gareth Smatterhorn.

Hazar, Flim Flam, Torin, and Thurysso Case the Joint

I later learn the following from Torin:

Hazar sends Thurysso down the back alley...  

Hazar, Flim Flam, and Torin follow, once Thurysso doesn't trigger any traps. They walk up toward the rear of the playhouse. 

They notice loose ivy behind the Playhouse building, and Hazar fails to scale the ivy like the person who must have come before him.

Hazar, Torin, and Flim Flam go through the backdoor.

The lady who owns the place gave them a hard time, but then Thurysso distracted. Flim Flam in the rafters, the rest go back into the main floor. 

Dirk's Speech

Hazar comes back and buys me the monocle! I give him 8 platinum to start paying down my debt.

Dwarven (???) lady named Helga (if that's her real name) bumps into Torin, they have a spicy convo, she's kinda sus...

Yuwelion, the bartender, threatens Thurysso's life to Hazar. But sells Hazar some drinks.

In position:

  • Boudicca and Lightsong in the crowd.
  • Torin by the front door.
  • Hazar in the shadows.
  • Flim Flam up top, on the catwalk.
  • Thurysso... in the back room?

Dirk Longbeard takes the stage and gives a speech about the terrible new law that affects the non-human artisans of the city.

Yuwelion takes the stage after, tells her tale, echoes Dirk's speech, then yields back to Dirk.

I notice a darkness in the rafters, then a red ray of energy pierces through Dirk, and he crumples with smoke coming from his chest. Is he dead? Where is Flim Flam? I will find out. Helga, the rude Dwarf from before, is behind the energy beam, curiously (and horrifyingly).

CRASH. figures come in from up above in the balcony. HERE WE GO.

The Battle in the Immaculate Gryffin

I move to get to Dirk, but am immediately paralyzed by a poison dagger that catches me off guard! This is not good.


Oh jeez, I was almost done for there!
Thanks to Boudicca, I have not met the grave (again!).

This Helga is madder than I was the week after... that event. Something is truly not right here. Helga refuses to listen to reason, and Hazar knocks her unconscious at last.

Battle's Aftermath

We tie up the unconscious Helga and her sole surviving (but also unconscious) accomplice and put them in the office of the Immaculate Gryffin. Dirk is unfortunately dead. Very, very dead.

It looks like Torin chopped two of Helga's accomplices in half.
Oof. I really REALLY don't like that.

Dirk had a silver necklace, which Boudicca took. She said it was 'honorable' to take the belongings of her people... well, I won't question her, she could probably knock me out with just a swing or two, and she did just save my life!

The four accomplices each had a "Hand in the Mist" necklace Helga was revealed not to be a dwarf at all, but seemingly a very pale-skinned human, with an ebony mask with shifting symbols and tattoos underneath that match. Very, very curious.

Thurysso and six guards rush in, remarking at the carnage.
We've got a lot of explaining to do.

Putting down my quill again to see what will befall us next.

Continued in Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, IV

Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-IV

Continued from Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, III
Earth date: 11/3/2024

Evening, Furdae, Aprel 15th, 443 KE

Interrogating our Assailants

Jakeriah of the Subtle Hand

Torin broke his hand.
Jodah is the boss of this guy.
But Jodah is dead.
And the Lady slinging spells is the BIG boss.

Now we go talk to the big boss lady...

The disturbing Jenniquen Wreath of the Holy Reagants

  • Name: Jenniquen Wreath.
  • Born: in the Capital. Of course.
  • She's higher than the Baccheranes.
  • Ylisyr Chakri pulls the strings for many things.
  • Dirk was a threat.
  • Five pointed crown in the middle of her head.
  • The Emperor is above all but the Mother and the Father.
  • Letter anonymous to tell them what to do.
  • 35 years old.
  • Typically a human.
  • Tasked with disrupting their disrupted.
  • Holy Reagents.
  • Chakri will be in the city next week Wegsday, Thyrsday. Coming up from Taynuilt.
  • She's met Jarodren but can't comment on if he is shit.
  • Simple diguise spell.
  • Result of the many rituals.
  • Adept of the Holy Reagent - she has a mask.
  • Where are you staying - Fox Fire.

Hazar peels Jenniquean's kneecap off...
What The Actual Fuck.
I heal it... or try to, but it doesn't work.
*illegible horrified scrabblings*

We leave Jenniquean Wreath with the guards and head back to the Lizard Bachelor. Thurysso was saying shit about how he was meeting with an old "friend" while we were fighting. Boudicca wins some gold. Man I'm sleepy. Some lady gave me 10 silver??? Ok???

Sharing a room with Torin. He is emitting WARMTH. He's a bit slimy and crusty at the same time, if that were possible.

Early Morning, Kaaterday, Aprel 16th, 443 KE.

Preparing for the Day

I should not have shared a bed with the Dwarfman... time for a bath! They draw one up for us.

I hear Hazar talking with Shaheila out in the main room.
Something about holding hands? What the heck is going on there.
Torin passes me the soap. Man, we are GROSS.

After a good clean and laundering, Hazar tells us that Councillor Jerrick may grant us susccor in our time of need. Where's that Horse Henry?

Hazar hands Nommy the Stableboy a freaking PLATINUM. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.
*Lightsong writes WHAT for another seventeen or so times*.

Late Morning, Kaaterday, Aprel 16th, 443KE

To Councilman Jerrick's Gardens

We all go forward to Jerrick's gardens up in Woodorks, along with Shaheila.

Hazar is asking me to use my fabled Thaumaturgy on something... then Boudicca breaks open the outer gate? Okay, should have expected that from one of the Dwarves...

Shaheila says her relationship with Jerrick goes back a decade. I wonder how Hazar feels about that.
We approach the main door, and things seem quiet... too quiet.

My Wanderer's Shortbow points back 10 feet away from the House. Yeah. I want to leave too, Bow.

I let slip something about Ekryp. Jeez. I have to watch my tongue. I do respect my compatriots, but I'm not ready to give everything up yet, nor am I sure I can trust them all. At least, not with that...

Into the Booby-trapped Manse of Jerrick

I send some Dancing Lights in after Torin, he says "some shit went down." Hmm.

I think I will keep entries organized by days going forward.

Exploring the Manse

I send a Light-figure to the far door, where it shimmers. And Boudicca's servant opens the door, which causes the door to shoot lightning at ti. The lightnigh fizzles, as it does as Boudicca walks through. I KNEW this was a trap.

Katherina and Nicalous sent letters to Jerrick. Boudicca pockets the letters. Jeez, she really likes stealing doesn't she...

Falling into the Basement

We hear screaming upstairs, and we go up. A pressure plate triggers under my feet, which turns the stairs into a veritable slide! What now! Bouddica and I tumble into the basement. There's a ruffian-type man looking worse for wear in a cage here with us. Drat.

Clapping? What? Ugh. This sucks. Torin mentions that there's a tripwire, I can hear from the basement. Boudicca doesn't want to play cards with me to pass the time.. :(

I do hope that we get rescued by our compatriots.

Ah, well, here's the lordling Hazar and the rest of them.

We wakeup Darn, the guy asleep in the cell. He was hired by Gordro who came to the Squeaky Wheel, he was a war veteran. Third floor Study book.

We go up the stairs. Our friend is hit by a glaive and then poison darts, which I heal.

Fighting the Enchanted Armor

We fight some suits of armor.
The team gangs up on one of them.
The other I rebuke into smithereens.
What is UP with this house?
Where the heck is Jerrick?

I'm gonna go ahead and put my quill down now.

Continued in Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, V

Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-V

Continued from Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, IV
Earth date: 11/17/2024

Early Afternoon, Kaaterday, Aprel 16th, 443KE

Well, let's see what's in this armory now that those enhanted cuirasses have been dismantled...

I pull from the wall:

  • Ancient Ekryptian Shortsword

Darn pulls from a case:

  • Morningstar of the Fallen Mountain
    • Goes to Boudicca

I feel bad that Darn has been shafted after ogling the Morningstar, so I give him the Ancient Ekryptian Shortsword. I'm going to open the next display case, Darn gets poisoned by dart... and then attacks me with the Ancient Ekryptian Shortword! What gives! Ouch! Thanks to Torin, he is once again crumpled on the floor.

We use a mage hand and Steve the Unseen Servant to open the remaining cases:

  • Tome of Wizard Wishes
    • Goes to Flim Flam
  • Gloves of the Fire Warden
    • Goes to Hazar.

The Upstairs Study?

In the next room, we find a woman, Clarice, under a net. We interrogate her, she's also under Gordro's employ. I cut out Clarice from under the net, and Torin smacks me! Ouch!!!

I go numb and sit on the floor with my lute.

Boudicca has three bronze rings? Dang. She's incorrigible. The elves of Kiv'La would've had her hands by now many time over.

Scrolls? I suppose I have a taste for this 'looting' thing myself. What's becoming to us here? Are we even on the right path? Morally speaking? Who are we? Grandfather would have never approved.

Clarice and the Poison Mist

Clarice opens a door and a poison gas fills the room. I am done with this. Healing myself up, I run up the stairs and cast dancing lights.

Up through a side room on the left, back through into a hallway, then through and a bollo wraps around my legs.

Jerrick Thorkalen and Gordro

Jerrick points a sword at me and asks who I am. I call his name and he is startled that I know it.

Torin comes through, I tell him to put down his axe. Then Shaheila comes in and diffuses the situation. My bollo is removed.

We share wine and speech.

Jerrick tells us:

  • He thought Shaheila and her son were dead.
  • Chakri. How do we stop it.
  • He has Chakri's itinerary.

Chakri's Itinerary

Wegsdae Morning:

  • Chakri arrives.

Wegsdae Afternoon:

  • In the Copper Keep with the Dutchess
  • Holy mass of the Mother
  • Cathedral on far side of bay.

Wegsdae Evening:

  • Dinner with the Knights of the Valley.
  • After-dinner, private appointment.


  • Military parade
  • Sunset Mass at the Pantheon of the Family
  • Evening gala at the Belt Theatre

Jerrick will put in a good word with ol Sir Darley Farlin.

Late Afternoon, Kaaterday, Aprel 16th, 443KE

We leave for the Lizard Bachelor and take a long rest, where I am writing this now.

We go to bed.

Early Morning, Soonday, Aprel 17th, 443KE

The Lighthousers Call On Us

Ixor and Martin call us to meeting with Cherri in the Lizard Bachelor. Eolbiyod allows us into Cherri's chambers. Martin and Eolbiyod are the only ones in here, apparently Martin and Cherri are friends. Ixor is outside keeping watch.

Martin shows us a map of Chakri's Parade Route.

Chakri's Lieutenant Marquil Lennick. Hmm. I don't know the name. But he will come in Monnday.

Might we explode something? Might we catch him at the Gala? Belt Theatre... Councillor Riggin has been involved in preparing for Chakri's arrival.

Explosives? I am not paying attention much. I fear we've missed an opportunity to inform our friends in Wulda of a plan to take down a common enemy.

Where are we going now? Somewhere to the docks? My head is swimming... a chance truly to take down the Beast?

Late Morning, Soonday, Aprel 17th, 443KE

Heading to the Docks

The Copper Keep. Ollie took our 20 gold. Grall waiting for us for an hour for an extra 5 gold.

(Also - who died and made him Lord-Emperor?)

Midday, Sooonday, Aprel 17th, 443KE

Into the Copper Keep

Willem and Dorlia. Guards. Loric, one of the Dutchess' advisors brings us through the ancient parts of the castle.

We meet the Dutchess Leylish. I mistake her for Shaheila.

Leylish will support us, she will not sacrifice too much to do so.. but she will help.

My brain is fuzzy. Somehow, having Chakri within my potential grasp has led me to lose my senses just a bit.

What now? IF we succeed, then what? For the past seven years this has been among my strongest drives.

I write this by the light of the tunnels under Copper Keep. Do we go back to talk to Cherri?

I put down my new Blue Jay quill down.

Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-VI

Continued from Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, V
Earth date: 12/6/2024

My journal pen will be light these next few days. I must focus on our quest here.


  • We debate, in the Lizard Bachelor, how best to kill him. The beast that has haunted us. We've almost got him!
  • My mind continues to be hazy. What is this? I must be in better shape...
  • Marquil, the right hand mand of the beast, is coming Monday to scout ahead.

The Elf wizard suggests a plan:

  • Start a riot in the main town, Wednesday night, city hall.
  • Once some portion of the army moves into the city, blow it up half way.
  • We are meanwhile undercover in the castle.
  • Hazar suggests we use a proxy.

We go to sleep for the night


Cherri wakes Torin and I up, around 8 in the morning. Yuwelion and Grenlo walk in. We wake up the rest of the party and beckon them in.

What might they want?

Aha! I am given a necklace of Regeneration. This should come in handy. Flim Flam is given a six inches ring. Unnaturally natural. Made with Elven Hands. I smile.

I eavesdrop on Grenlo telling the Dwarves about the Grillix (???). Torin headbutts me. Hard. VERY HARD.

Hazar tells Cherri about his mom being made a wench by the beast. Well. That was hard to listen to. Drinn cocktails. Well.

Cherri likes power vacuums. Noted.

Marcus will let us into where Marquil is staying at the Golden Throne.

Everyone hides in Marquil's closet. We short rest.

I am there, playing for him. We have a good conversation with a Cryth and my Lute.

We take Lord Marquil on adventure into the tunnels. We sneak attack him, tie him, and take his stuff with us. We get a paper. Interesting religious iconography. I take his Cryth.

300 gold for explosive expert to set chargees on the bridge at 10:30pm.

We confer back with Cherri to talk about final details.

We now take a long rest.


We wake up, feeling recharged. We go talk to the ol' boatman, where Hazar tells our boatman to do things.
Doran Jackqiwill. Yes. Tomorrow night slash Thyrsday.

Ok, copper keep. Willem? Guards. I don't care.

We confront Shaheila of the Corracks' livery in the harbor.

Chakri has interest in the Graxil not being fought.

Shaheila wants to know of her son.

Back to the Lizard Bachelor and Cherri for one last night.

Go to bed

Teezday Evening

Well, with incredible anxiety I report that I woke up this morning from an Ash-blasted Dream! I haven't had one of those since I was very very little, before I turned. I had forgotten what the experience was like, but there's no mistaking this.

They say we Dreamcursed only dream the month of our deaths...

I dream of a dark cave...







As I awake, I hear stalwart voices say:

Oh Gods of the Wilds, he couldn't have gotten through even the Seershadows, could he? Fi'arië, I know you're ancient beyond ancient by our standards, but I do hope you know what you're up against. Three thousand years and you haven't failed yet...

Lightsong's Journal - Chapter 2-VII

Continued from Lightsong's Journal, Ch 2, VI
Earth date: 12/13/24

It is the day. The day we slay the beast, Ylysir Chakri.

Wenzday Morning

Heading out for the day

We have a spot of banter in the morning. Hazar and I argue the ethics of spilling brains and peeling back kneecaps.

Ancient trees along the boulevard! How lovely.

As we walk toward the Southern Half of the city, the distinct stream of imperial soldiers greets us... not Chakri's men, perhaps, but here because of his machinations.

Well, my companions Hazar and Torin are truly making a word salad of this interaction with the guards.

Meeting at the Copper Keep

Yes, we are back in the small tunnel. Loric will meet us soon. The Beast. His presence. I feel it. It approaches.

We are in the tunnels now. Dusty bottles abound. Torin grabs one, opens it, and takes a swig. I... wouldn't have advised that.

Thirty bottles! My party members take some, interesting I suppose.

Boudicca and I perform a blood oath - I will not heal anyone but our fellows. Ouch. Hazar keeps running his mouth about this Willem guard. I don't think I ever quite paid attention.

Passages within the walls of the Copper Keep.

Beat Bastard Ylisir's schedule

  1. He arrives
  2. Spends a few hours with the Dutchess
  3. Cathedral at the Church of the Mother
  4. Dinner with the Knights of the Valley
  5. Private Appointment
  6. Back at the Copper Keep

First floor: 1st floor

Second floor: 2nd floor

Third floor: 3nd floor

The stones from Shaheila

Loric gives us each a matte black stone with a dancing schedule. Each make a Lynnish ensemble.

Cryth, Bagpipe, Sham - oboe like thing, Drum, Harp.

We must find out what happened to her son.

Wenzday Afternoon

Through the castle to find a better weapon

Short bow tells me I will find a good weapon. Northeast. First floor.

We bribe the guard. Sort of. The rest isn't worth talking about. We have bigger fish to fry.

Looks like we've killed an entire hour in the castle.

Up to the top floor

I once again don't care about this man Willem. I see not why Hazar bothers him.

How might we escape? And where shall we lie in wait? My blood boils, my blood stirs. May chaos take the world, and may it take Chakri first. Down the storage room.

Wenzday Evening

We hear the beast

I tell them of the time in the Forest. They deserve to know that at least.

Marquil is still alive and about. Drat. We await.

I squeak to investigate, but realize how I'm squeaking and come back. Hazar and Torin identify a guard... and dispatch him, fast. Too fast.

Block the spiral staircase - Bouddicca.

Into the passageways.

We hear the beast talk to his man Marquil. He almost drinks teh wine Louissa Corrack. She led Chakri into Balnourial. Chakri casts some unholy magicks against Louissa. He slices Louissa's necklace.

"Only in Darkness can stars shine?" Louissa to be one of his bright stars? "I know the gifts we must accept" What the FUCK is he doing to her?

"My lady, you've seen the darkness. You've seen its inevitability"

Oh. He has a thing for Louissa. He's... giving her some dark energy. I HATE THIS MAN.

She grimaces at the name 'wildflower'. I understand. This man believes himself above all. He believes all is justified.

Interesting she doesn't refer to him by his first name. Ylisir. Too nice a name for too beastly a man.

He took a swig of the poisoned wine.

It looks like the riot has begun...

Hazar takes the first leap out into Chakri. HERE WE GO.

Confronting the Beast, High Lord Ylisir Chakri

In Charkri's Copper Keep Quarters

Well, it happened so fast but it seemed that we managed to kill him. Instead... though... we get sucked into the void.

Earth date: 12/20/2024

In the deep dark depths...

Boudicca tells us that this artificial, slightly bioluminescent tunnel, but this is very clearly a dwarven mine.

We reach a fork. Hmm.. I do see tracks leading to left. The bow also points us toward the Left. Let us find our vengeance. Torin does a gnarly parkour kickflip in the direction of the tracks... nice.

We enter into a large room, very dark, running water.

How old must this old place be? I wonder. My compatriot Torin deduces that this looks far older than any Dwarven city, and this hasn't been maintained in perhaps centuries!

Boudicca tastes it. She says its wonderful.

Ohhh shit there is a screech. WHAT IS THAT! THERE ARE TWO.


Forms of shifting, pulsing shadow encircle us. I count three. I've not seen something like this before, though perhaps Fi knows more.

Oh god, these things... what power compels them? I fear the end. What a corrupted wail.


After the battle, deeper into the halls.

My bow tells us to go across the creek and to a small door on the right. I help Torin open the door... interesting that my strength added to his is what we needed!

Hazar, the scoundrel, runs into the room. On a dais, we find a gleaimg hiss giant Axe. Hazar picks up the axe... I choke back bile.... but what is this? It's Torin's family crest? My visceral disgust for axes is replaced with awe and curiosity.

We see imagery, in the abstract, reminiscent of those shadow-fiends. Bootprints now, oho!

And now... a mural? Some humanoid.. with shadow tendrils?

We see two guards...? There's a big stone door.

"We have been commanded not to attack you." "We will say no more"

We walk down into a chamber.... we see a stalagtite. At the bottom, Lord Ylysir Chakri.


What are the luminiscent wall carvings? To the right? A Mural, carved humanoid figure. Something of the Holy Reagant?


Oh... he does not look human...

What is the monster? THis man whose agents level the Indip Expanse?

There is chanting...

Marquil, again. Doesn't seem too upset at us.

"Do you know what these stones are?"

... our friend Boudicca just flatulated! That's quite the jest. A splinter of Almak? The Deadmoon? Chakri knows far more than I thought...

Chakri doesn't even remember the night that still shivers my spine. The night when he, his son, and his men killed everyone we loved... Unforgiveable. Just another day for him.

He points to the stalagmite and stalactite that are nearly touching.

"When these touch, the darkness will return"

This "stalagmite," this splinter of Almak, that the beast calls Nira - it must be destroyed. It must be put to rest - all these millenia it's been pulsing here in the dark...

I call upon the powers of the sky - the sky from which this splinter fell - to give the Deadmoon a final rest.

Marquil - I like him. I hope he will yield before it's all over.

The Battle Begins

I continue to attack the stone with thunder... my companions spring to action. Boudicca knocks Chakri down, and we do alright for a bit... but Chakri gets up and nearly does me in. Then he hits Hazar! He's down!

Things are not looking good.

The moon-shard pulses... I feel horror beyond horrors.. and everything goes black. The sound of the skeleton stones awaken us from near-death.

As I awake, I prepare my strongest Thunderwave... The stone explodes. Big boom. Chakri falls to his knees - "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" It seems his will to fight is... gone?

The end of the Battle

We ask Chakri some questions. He seems utterly... disinterested... in my backstory...

  • This guy doesn't even remember taking our Songhew Axes!!!
  • Shaheila's son is with the church.
  • Neuranu is coming? The Old One?
  • We have to stop him?
  • Ylysir Chakri hands us a satchel with magical black dust. He said this will return us to the surface.
  • I am shocked that he's willing to help us. Did we ever understand this man, even a little?

Hazar and Boudicca take swings at Chakri. I can't resist to add some psychological warfare:

  • "Rest now with the splinter of the moon, you Bastard Beast - you'll never have her"

With Torin slices laterally right through his neck, with both of his axes, simultaneously symmetrically. I am also shocked at how little emotion I feel! The Seers always said something about the hollowness of revenge... I vowed that I'd have Ylysir Chakri's head, but I can't stomach looking at it, let alone picking it up. I settle for capturing his shadow. It may prove useful as a Mantle of Whispers, though I don't know I can stomach even that.

Hazar loots Chakris' money and Eldritch Sword. Figures.

Well - the underground tunnel-system we are in seems like it is going to collapse! We get hit by stones.

I use the dust, and we are compressed and expanded inexplicably... then sent back... somewhere? This place is unfamiliar... a stone door. We go through.

We are in a spring glade? Where are we? The air is warm and pleasant, with the slightest breeze.

This place... it reminds me of the Expanse. Do you remember the day we were given our Songhews, A? This day feels much like that. Hopeful, somehow, despite the apparent Eldritch horrors we unleashed. What I wouldn't give to be back there in the Expanse, before the now-dead Chakri laid to waste everything we loved.

But... maybe we can learn to fashion new Songhews, at least, in honor of the ones the Beast stole, and apparently forgot about...


Interlude - In The Mysterious Glade

Earth Date 1/10/2025.

The Glade

Mysterious boulders... standing stones... symbols? Flower?

What is this place? "Is this heaven?" Hazar asks?

A woman with long red hair and pointed here.

"Is Ylysir with you?"

The small lady compels me to drink.

The Dead Mall

We seemt o be in a plaza, or forum, indoors..? I've never seen such a thing. Somehow, the decor is both very futuristic while very very sad.

What... my shortbow did not function as intended..... it went on fire and chased me, Torin was able to dispatch the arrow... but the axe fell apart?

Lilian... what did you do to us? Where are we?

  • Lightsong pukes into the fountain
  • Torin wins the claw game first try
  • Brad comes with us.
  • Lightsong screams and runs and slips on old Bath and Body Works soap
  • Yeehaw Photos!
    • Black vest, tan jacket.
    • Bolo ties???
    • I have no idea what's going on.
  • The axe is sad.

Lightsong is distraught

  1. Spirit halloween everyone gets a picture frame, Boudicca picks it out.
  2. The stock photo is Hazar, his mom, and Lord Chakri.
  3. Music store, guy restrings the lighter strings on Thorvir's lute.
  4. The rest of the crew buys tshirts.
  5. A "payphone" rings and its a voice I remember. Who....


Burlingtone Coat Factory.

Bring bring bring

Hazar and I are not doing well

Oh, they made a fire.



A being of the highest magical order needs to lay down their life for me.. and for Aria. Fi'arie is... sexy dancing? What. What. The axe tells us we must blow a bubble with a treat and make Flim Flam die. I blow a bubble... and flim flam vanishes. I guess he's dead? Flim Flam! We get on the Carousel. There's a dead wizard. I sit on him.

Back in the Glade

Sticky hands... and we're back in the glade.

This isn't a regular sky... it's actually night time in reality, this is magical sunlight.


  • Is flam flam alive?
  • Is lightsong gonna die?
  • Is hazar a pirate?
  • What's with Torin's axe?

There's darkness across the city, Laighfuar, lights flickering, screaming, ghosts.

At this point a plague of shadowy figures has fallen upon the city of Laighfuar.

Where the characters head off to at the conclusion of the campaign.

  • Lightsong heads for Wulda.
  • Hazar is wandering aimlessly toward the Sea. Thousand yard stare.
  • Torin takes the axe and heads home and knows what happened... why there is darkness spreading across the land.
  • Boudicca is going back to her Dwarven home in Lynnla. City of Mines. Boudicca finds she's an heiress to the powerful political powers.
  • Flim Flam was never heard of again

Lightsong the Haunted

alt text


Character's Name: Lightsong the Haunted
Race: Dreamcursed (Tiefling of Fierna, born to Human mother, unknown father)
Class: Bard, College of Whispers
Age(may be vague, like "young, middle-aged"): 20s or 30s

Physical Description:

  • Medium build. Average.
  • Long tail. Medium horns poking through white hair. Blue skin.
  • One bright green eye. one bright red eye (usually thaumaturgy it green, i let loose while battling)

Do you have any quirks or odd personality traits?

Lightsong is generally pleasant, and happy to engage in banter, but often gets gloomy and quiet unexpectedly, or behaves erratically, especially when set off from something. Has what we would call PTSD. Often gets lost in thought. Often mutters to self, while awake or asleep.

What is your ultimate aspiration or goal?

People think I must want to prove myself as a noble Dreamcursed, or suspect me of some devilry - either is often the case among my kind. But I've long since stopped caring about proving myself. As for devilry, that's for you to judge...

I have two simple aspirations:
  1. I want to find the man who killed and tortured my family. I would have his head. I would hear him scream.
  2. I want desperately to heal my last remaining sister, Aria. She has the mute sickness, becoming frailer by the year. She hasn't talked since we fled the South.

What are your biggest fears?

  1. That Lord Chakri and his son won't be stopped.
  2. That I will lose Aria to the sickness, or to Chakri's son.

What was your past like?

Early Childhood:
  • I grew up in a rural village of Ekryp, born to a single human mother. Rural Ekryp is known for peculiar Dreamcursed hatred and superstitions not found throughout the rest of the world.

  • I remember little about my mother, though have/had vague impressions of her melodious voice, cheery face, and long hair.

  • I started turning into a Dreamcursed when I was a toddler.

  • One day, a couple of years later, my transformation nearly complete, a mob surrounded my house demanding to see my horns wihle I was out playing in the field.

  • A friendly traveling merchant saw the commotion and told me to come with him. I was scared so I agreed. We rode toward the port, headed to Ashenstone, as my house burned behind us, presumably with my mother inside. The mob found no dreamcursed, as I was gone, and I assume my mother was killed. (She wasn't, but I don't know this. In fact, she arranged the whole thing and was relieved to think me dead).

  • The merchant and his wife took care of me for a year before falling on hard times and needing to give me up to the orphanages with tears in their eyes. At the orphanage I was called "Devil", "Bluey," "Demon," or simply "Boy". I do not remember my original name.

  • After a couple of years in Ashenstone, alternating between being a street urchin and an orphanage rat, I was sent to an orphange in Drimmharbor, still very very young.

Formative Time among the Half-Orcs, in the South (I do not speak of this):
  • Shortly after arriving in Drimmharbor, I was adopted by a half-orc caravan. We went southeast into the Indip Expanse, heading to southern forests. The half-orcs were gruff, but they showed myriad kindnesses in quiet ways.

  • We found a young half-elf girl on the trip south, not far from Flaa, passing an otherwise abandoned Elf sanctuary. She was/is probably a few years older than me, but was slightly less mature due to slow elf aging. (She would later gain (or regain?) the name Aria and i would gain the name Lightsong.)

  • At the time, Aria reminded me of my mother. Like, a lot like my mother. Other Elves and half-elves knew nothing of her, so she stayed with us after we tried finding her family for a little while. Aria and I immediately got along and our Half Orc family referred to us as siblings immediately. We liked to play innocent pranks.

    • Aria loved to sing, mostly nonsense about squirrels or birds, but her voice was beautiful (although kind of funny - everyone smiled when she sang, because she would sing such ridiculous stories and had a quick wit and would gently tease anyone and everyone. This sort of thing was very strange to the Half-orcs, but they began to enjoy it.)
  • Our half-orc family made livings as woodcutters and provided hospitality services to Elf pilgrims.

  • We learned half-orc nomadic culture and language, learned to respect forest and Elves.

A night of heinous tragedy
  • As an older teenager / very young adult, my adopted half-orc family was led into a trap set up by an imperial logging company. The poachers then brutally violated, tortured, and murdered every last one of our clan, numbering close to 60 half-orcs dead in a single evening. This was not done by rogue poachers, but under the official command of the extremely high ranking Imperial Lord, Chakri.

  • Chakri said had "special plans" for the Dreamcursed and his Sister, and vowed he would have us again one day. Me for "experiements" and Aria "for his son Jarodren. as a plaything"

  • With help of Elves who ambushed the loggers at the last minute, Aria and I escaped. We fled to Mulhong through torrential downpours, then made for Wuldan lands on merchant and fishing boats. Aria stopped talking entirely and developed a blank stare, eating little.

Recent past:

Aria has not spoken since the day of the attack. She is constantly ill, and I worry for her health. I fear she has "The Mute Sickness," for which I am seeking news of a cure and others who've had it. It is said it especially strikes those who suffer physical or emotional trauma.

I leave Aria behind in a small Wuldan village in the farthest North, where she is cared for by shamans in the ice, a few dozen miles North of the Elf city of Kiv'la. They help keep her alive, but they sadly cannot return her voice to her, as much as they try.

For the last 9 years I've worked odd jobs and played as Bard around the Empire, usually laundering my travel through Crag and Sygassas or Princepta.

I visit Aria once every year and stay for a month or three. I have just gotten back from my last visit. Aria is still not talking, and the shamans are at a loss, though they take excellent care of her. They hate the Empire and help us as fellow victims of the Empire's cruelty. Aria does not seem to have aged, as half-elves age slowly (though not as slowly as full-elves), but she is frail.

  • I do not speak of Aria to anyone, nor of my Wuldan connections. Since joining my companions in Crag, I have let loose that I seek Chakri, but I guard Aria's existence as a dear secret. If Jarodren Chakri knew she was alive, he would try to find her.

What motivates you to get up every day?

  • My sister Aria, finding news of a cure for the Mute Sickness, and seeking for any clues on Chakri.

Before finding yourself thrown into this adventure, how did you make a living?

  • Since leaving the south after the attack, I've worked many odd-jobs, but becoming a bard - telling stories and playing the lute or accordion - has been my main stay. I even picked up some spell-casting in Wulda from the shamans! I also have done some fishing.
  • I said I was abandoned by my fishing crew and that's how I ended up in Crag, but secretly, a Wuldan ship granted my passage, and I came to Crag on a personal quest. (I have some middling Wuldan connections, such as Cyr-Kan the Shipwright. I speak the Wuldan language poorly/brokenly)

How do you spend your free time?

  • Practicing musical instruments and reading folklore.
  • Writing the day's activities in my journal (see I like to keep notes on events, however mundane.
  • Secretly plotting my next move and finding info on Lord Chakri and his son. I did not know his name until recently. His colors are White and Gold, and he has high religious standing within the Imperium.
    • Chakri also has a scar diagnoally across his face, is extremely tall, and looked and acted extremely pleasant and friendly when he wasn't murdering, raping, and torturing.
  • Since leaving Crag, I am once again seeking clues on the Mute Sickness

An old leprous beggar approaches you in the street asking for a spare coin. How do you respond?

  • Sit with him to learn his story. Give coin if I have it. Tell him a story of my own. Sometimes, closer to the truth than those I tell others.

On Songhews and Lightsong's hatred of (most) axes.

Alright, if you'll humor me, some backstory on my hatred of imperial woodcutting implements, a treatment of a special Half Orc relic/tool called a Songhew, and origin to the name Lightsong.

Did I mention yet that I hate axes, longsaws, logging caravans, and mills? I avoid them even when it would be really convenient not to. I usually hiss softly and go into a morose state if I even see a longaxe or longsaw in a shop window or on the belt of a lumberjack. I will be prone to recklessness if an enemy uses one against the party. (I can be reasoned with, but I get irrational sometimes). I particularly despise the broad cruel axes wielded by the Imperium, and the saws used to destroy ancient sacred trees that should never be felled. I fantasize about setting fire to the mills that turns eons into pulp....

  • I do not hold much love Dwarven style battle-axes, due to their facile resemblance to the poachers' mauls, and my memories of family's limbs bloodily separated from joints. As such I am usually very wary of them too, but can learn to tolerate them. I don't think I could bring myself to wield one.

There is, however, a type of axe I do not hate, but in fact I would gladly see again:

The nomadic half orcs of the southern forest used very special axes called Songhews.

  • Each axe was passed on for generations, treated with utmost care, and inscribed with runes of thanks for the forest. They were rarely if ever shared with folks outside the clan, even other half orcs, such as the pastoral ones of the hills, our clan's distant cousins.

  • Songhews have kindly looking halfmoon blades with notches, making whistling sounds in various pitches as they swing.

  • Each came with a thick but soft fiber blade guard for safe handling.

  • Using a Songhew for violence was unthinkable, and any who did so would be stripped of their Songhew and banished from the clan with the utmost sorrow. Their names are removed from the blade,

  • Only very particular trees were cut with Songhews, usually fast growing clonal trees whose trunks would eventually grow back or send up shooters, and sometimes days were spent deliberating on which trees the forest was signalling us to harvest honorably..

  • Aria and I received a Songhew each from our adoptive Grandparents, with our names etched in the Half Orc runes on the blade, in the ceremony in which we were adopted into the clan. They were our most cherished possessions.

  • It is actually this ceremony which gave me the name Lightsong. I do not remenber my original name and usually was called "Devil", "Demon", or "Bluey", prior to my adoption, or "Boy" by more kindly folk. "Lightsong" is the only part of my life with the Half Orcs I dare to share. I wear the name with pride, though I pretend I chose it for myself.

  • Lord Chakri took our Songhews from us as prizes, thinking it interesting Half-orc elders would bestow their secret axes on a bastard Dreamcursed and a ditsy Half elf girl. I would have mine back. And I would restore Aria's to her.

Lightsong lore update 5/18/24:

  • Lord Ylisyr Chakri has a son, Jarodren Chakri, who helped him gleefully with the atrocities against Lightsong’s half-orc family. This lordling would make Ewyin Corrack look a saint, scholar, and gentleman. (Ewyin redemption arc happens where he helps us kill this fucker? I leave it to you ). Also, Lord chakri promised Aria to his son as a wife before Lightsong and Aria escaped. No bueno. Fucked up.

  • Lightsong thinks his half-elf sister Aria is just his adopted sister bc half-orc family, but she’s actually his slightly older real sister, he has no idea. He also doesn’t realize she’s older bc half-elf. “She always reminded me of my mom who was killed when I was 3”. There’s a reason she’s familiar. Aria ran away from mom at a very young age, Lightsong was conceived in sadness. Mom abandoned lightsong once he started turning, but he thinks she was killed. She's still out there. Remember, Aria is super secret and Lightsong will take a long long time to reveal her if ever. You may have to force the subject. Don’t do it too soon though Maybe Lightsong was a half-elf before Tiefling-ing, or maybe they have different dads and lightsong was full human. You can choose

Aria, Silent Seer

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Character's Name: Aria.

Race: Half Elf.

Class: Druid (Arctic) + Divination Wizard.

Age (may be vague, like "young, middle-aged"): 33.

Physical Description:

  • Pale, medium height, blue eyes.
  • Wears hooded cloaks with downcast eyes.
  • Unnaturally pale skin.
  • Her blonde hair has turned icy white.
  • Her eyes are a startingly mosaic of blue hues that seem to shift in the light.
  • Pine Marten familiar, Kirjan.

Do you have any quirks or odd personality traits?

  • Aria is deathly quiet. She eats and moves little.
  • On certain nights, she walks for miles Northward, then comes back before morning and sleeps the next day.
  • She is not questioned, but Fi'arië never loses track of her general location.

What is your ultimate aspiration or goal?

  • Aria's ultimate aspirations are entirely unknown.

What are your biggest fears?

  • Unknown, but Aria goes great lengths to avoid axes.
  • Aria is very protective of her Pine Marten familiar/dæmon, Kirjan, who is capable of speaking on her behalf, but does so only rarely.

What was your childhood like?

  • Aria ran away from her parents when she was 5, on a trip to Flaa, at the edge of civilized Indip. It's unclear why.
  • Aria was held in stasis by an ancient elven magic she stumbled upon for 7 years, until she was adopted by a band of Unhorned a few day's journey Southeast of Flaa, in the Indip Expanse.
  • It was the presence of kin that broke her out of stasis - the magic was originally devised millenia ago to protect Elves from near apocalyptic threats during the War of Descension. Only the presence of blood relations would undo the stasis spell. Unknown to Lightsong, he was the kin who undid this spell.
  • Aria met Lightsong who was travelling with the Unhorned. She immediately recognized Lightsong as her kin who undid the spell, despite never having met him. She never said anything to him about this.

What motivates you to get up every day?

  • Aria tends to a mysterious Scythe-blade inscribed with mysterious runes.
  • Aria dutifully learns survival skills from Fi'arië, her Eladrin Shadow.
  • Aria practices her druidcraft and divination magic with the other Ice Seers. The Ice Seers are not mute, but they speak little among themselves, sharing a deep understanding. Aria learns well despite not talking.

Before finding themselves thrown into this adventure, how did you make a living?

  • Previously, A carefree girl who loved to sing and talk to birds.
  • More recently, a silent student of the ice.

How do you spend your free time?

  • Sitting alone, or with Fi'ariē, or Kirjan, or with the Ice Seers, with books of druidcraft and divination.
  • Going on midnight jaunts to various sites in the icy wilds.

An old leprous beggar approaches you in the street asking for a spare coin. How do you respond?

  • Aria does not know what coins are, so would probably be confused.

Alignment: chaotic good ultimately, but seemlngly true neutral to those who don't know her well.

Background Haunted One Feature: Heart of Darkness

Those who look into your eyes can see that you have faced unimaginable horror and that you are no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear you, commoners will extend you every courtesy and do their utmost to help you. Unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside you, should you find yourself facing an enemy alone.

Harrowing Event

Prior to becoming an adventurer, your path in life was defined by one dark moment, one fateful decision, or one tragedy. Now you feel a darkness threatening to consume you, and you fear there may be no hope of escape. Choose a harrowing event that haunts you, or roll one on the Harrowing Events table.

  • A monster that slaughtered dozens of innocent people spared your life, and you don’t know why.

Personality Traits

  • I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow others to be victimized.
  • I don’t run from evil. Evil runs from me.
  • I like to read and memorize poetry. It keeps me calm and brings me fleeting moments of happiness.
  • I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
  • I expect danger around every corner. I'm ready for it.


  • I’m a monster that destroys other monsters, and anything else that gets in my way. (Evil)
  • I have a dark calling that puts me above the law. (Chaotic)
  • I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)
  • I like to know my enemy’s capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. (Lawful)


  • A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can find redemption through my actions.

  • There’s evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.

  • I have a child to protect. I must make the world a safer place for him (or her).

    • This isn't her offspring, but actually her younger brother Lightsong. Lightsong imagines himself Aria's caretaker, but she feels the opposite.
  • I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy.


  • I talk to spirits that no one else can see.
  • I assume the worst in people.
  • I have certain rituals that I must follow every day. I can never break them.

Fi'arië Seershadow

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Character's Name: Fi'arië Seershadow

Race: Elf (eladrin/ethereal) (think semi-immortal countless millenia living tolkien elf, rather than multihundred year old dnd elf, mix in some cosmic/celestial mystery)

Class: Ranger - Horizon Walker, Level 15

Age (may be vague, like "young, middle-aged"): 3210.years old this past March. Fi'arië was born with the vernal equinox.

Physical Description: Olive skinned, silver hair (born this color, not a sign of age). If she were human, people would guess shes in her 30s. About 5'9". Like lightsong, she has two different colored eyes. One is blue, the other green. Nothing so dramatic as her Tiefling acquaintence.

Do you have any quirks or odd personality traits?

  • I love sweets. Especially things with honey or berries.
  • Wuldan Gin is my other vice.
  • Im quiet and seemingly unempathetic. Its not my fault humans die so quickly and over such trivial matters. I hardly can even register who they are before they die.
  • Ive been known to meditate for weeks at a time without eating or drinking anything. One time I went two spring months listening to the Moons in a Spruce tree and found not one but two chickadee nests in my cloak when I stood up.

What is your ultimate aspiration or goal?

  • To shepherd my charge to her destiny, and protect her on her way. I cannot leave the circles of the world until I do.
  • To finish my record of the moons - a scholarly pursuit if I do say so myself!
  • To find wellsprings of Aberrated on this Sphere, and dismantle them.
    • Like the Graxil, the Aberrated are interlopers. I'll leave the Graxil to the Deepfinders.

What are your biggest fears?

  • That the Ice Seers of the North will go extinct. The Seers are critical connective tissue. There are other worlds and mechanisms at work even my grandmother cannot explain, and all is for naught if the Seers here die out...
  • That my brothers will fail on their quest. I have not seen them nor even communed with them yet this century, and I've been getting increasingly worried.

What was your childhood like?

  • It's been thousands of years. I remember a different world. There were ruins everywhere. Now, few if any remain, all having crumbled to dust. There were also more volcanoes then.
  • I was raised by my grandmother and her sisters. My parents left the circles of the world before I even knew how to walk.
  • I remember the waves of human migrations from the South. I remember meeting children who now grace the history books as great heroes of old. Most were not even close to as noble as theyre presented. Some, including the best of them, are not told of at all.
  • Ive learned and forgotten countless human tongues. I prefer to speak my own tongue, but the current common speech was easy to master.
  • My grandmother taught me of the time before the Moonfall. She left the circles of the world with her sisters over 400 years ago, around the founding of the Kaldrinic Dynasty.
  • I made friends with a Clan of the Old Kyver as a youngling. I do not know what became of them.

What motivates you to get up every day?

  • To protect my current Seer, Aria. She is young and traumatized, but shows great promise.
  • The thrill of the hunt for Aberrations, Undead, and within the last few decades, Imperial Paladins.
  • The thought of discovering a new sweet or pastry. Humans are always coming up with new tasty things. Its the only thing that they seem able to surprise me with.
  • I do not put any stock in Lightsong's search for cures of the so called mute sickness. Aria will speak again if and when she wishes. Speech is overrated, anyway. Still, I dont have any interest in dissuading him.

Before finding themselves thrown into this adventure, how did you make a living?

  • Dutysworn as a Seershadow of Kiv'la to protect the Seers and shepherd individual seers to their destiny.
  • As of less than a decade ago, I again have a Seer to Shadow - Aria. The last one, Rendon, died on me after a measily sixty years from "old age". He was only 85! Aria has already surpassed him in her early thirties - still a babe, but I'm impressed.

How do you spend your free time?

  • Eating pastries and drinking the strongest wuldan gin (it takes a lot to get a 3000 year old elf drunk). I talk more when Im drunk. I have a thing for strong dwarves, men or women.
  • Listening to the Music of the Moons.
  • Hunting aberrations and undead in the Northern Icelands. My efforts keep them at bay, but theyve both become slightly more numerous this year, which is cause for some concern, especially when they meld ...

An old leprous beggar approaches you in the street asking for a spare coin. How do you respond?

  • I give them some food, water, and a ward against Aberrations.

Alignment: Neutral good

Background Fi'arië is an Eladrin Elf - on this planet, exceedingly few are aware of her kind. Eladrin Elves are called by those who know them the "True" Elves - they do not seem to age at all, and can live many millenia. They are deeply connected to the "Circles of the World" - the whole of the cosmos, as the Eladrin see it. It is said they can hear the Moons "sing," and that the song is loudest during Aurora storms.

Outlander Feature: Wanderer

You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

  • Fi'arië knows more about the living land than most anyone; she is not aware of her excellence in this matter, she simply takes her knowledge for granted

Personality Traits

  • I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups.
    • At 3210 years old, it makes sense that she would feel this way.
  • I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.


  • Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. (Neutral) Bonds
  • An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.


  • I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.

The Ashenstone Trail

The following outlines our second campaign starting Saturday January 25th 2025.

DM: August Beers
Players: Adam, Charlotte, Jon, Matt, Mike


The Ashenstone Trail



She's a mushroom druid, on a quest, inexplicably, with Dr Indarhan Stone.

RaceHuman (Thringenla)
HomelandGreenrock Mountains


SubclassEldritch Knight
HomelandCity of Mines
Age205 years, as of 473 KD

Character Backlore

Fëlu il'Raïk

RaceElf (Ildarii)
SubclassHorizon Walker
Age352 as of 473 KD (young for an Ildari)

Character Backlore

Fëlu hails from the ancient Elven city of Jezier'Raïk and is a Fledgling Deepseeker.

While most adept with a bow, he has recently been learning the art of the glaive, and has inherited his grandfather Ilyenu's Moon-touched Deepseeker Glaive of yore.

His primary goal is to hunt as many Graxil as possible and locate splinters of Almak-Neara, thereby proving himself to the Deepseeker High Council. He has also been tasked with a secondary mission - to hunt and bring back, dead or alive, a certain blue Dreamcursed suspected of playing a role in the resurgence of the Graxils.

Fëlu is quite good at hunting both Graxils and people if necessary, but not particularly adept at socializing.

Dr. Indarhan Stone

He's a professor, on a quest, inexplicably, with Bolete the Thringen Druid.

ClassRogue, Bard

Character Backlore

Dr. Stone's father was a professor of great renown. His mother unfortunately passed when he was a child.

Torin Thunderridge

PictureTorin Thunderridge
SubclassTotem Warrior
HomelandCity of Stones
Age235 years, as of 473 KD

Character Backlore

Deep below the Earth, Torin found an axe bearing an old version of his family crest. It speaks to secrets he has yet to unearth. Torin enjoys decapitating, eviscerating, and maiming his enemies in myriad grotesque ways.

He is the author of the Tablets of Torin

The Tablets of Torin

Prelude to the Ashenstone Trail

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What a strange night, the night we fought Chakri. I knew taking on that monster would be no small feat, but I never expected taking him down would have consequences that would last these past three dozen years. After the battle in the cave we lost Flim Flam in that plaza of shimmering lights, I wonder to this day where he might be. Confused and bewildered we found ourselves on a hilltop that overlooked Lauge Fuir. Yet, as we looked out from that hill across the city, it was clear that something was wrong. We looked upon a city in flames in multiple places, an eerie sight to behold, more damage than a simple riot would cause. It was then my ancestors' axe whispered in my ear once more before going silent for so many years.

“Swirly dark tide, deep rhythmic humming of the maelstrom, pop pop goes the weasel, now flowing, rush, cascading into the world”

We endeavored to head back towards the city to find out what happened, but things on the road were chaotic as we found ourselves pushing against a tide of dilapidated refuges. I asked one old man what happened and his reply:

“Tis a terrible thing my lords, ghost! Ghosts in the night! They say they came flowing from the earth! Blood Blood! Blood in the street! Run, for your lives!”

Suddenly a formation of Copper Keep Armed guard swept down the road. Behind the scouts the Dutchess Leylish pressed forward. She explained what transpired within the city walls after we disappeared from the citadel's fourth floor. At first there were reports of an uncontrolled riot within the city center. Chakries forces moved into the city to suppress the violence, which seemed to go smoothly at first. But then reports of strange rioters began to reach my ears, dark drunken figures that seemed to emerge from the ground, pass through walls, and killed soldiers on sight. Shortly after these dark spirits began attacking my guards in the basement of the castle, We had no choice but to abandon the copper keep with as many forces as I had on hand and run. The duchess looked at us with sad eyes, “The city is lost, whatever role you may have played this evening, I suggest you do not return to Lauge Fuir, I have reports from messenger pigeon that this is not an isolated event, cities across the continent are awash with dark sprites and scenes of destruction. My best council is to return to your homes and protect your home cities before they too are overrun!”

At this point there was no choice but to split the party. I said my goodbyes to Budica, Lightsong, and Hazar and quickly traveled back to my home, the city of stone. We were able to fend off the dark spirits, known to my kind as the Graxil and stabilize the city. The fighting with these dark creatures became an unending struggle which claimed the lives of many dwarfs along the way.

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For so many years the struggle against the Graxel has gone on this way. Across the land, small towns are overrun and abandoned, large cities have stabilized with much bloodshed, but were forced to pull back within their fortified districts. The empire itself lives on, but was forced to abandon its further outposts and return its forces home to help defend its major cities. A darkness has spread across the land, our Dwarven scholars have deemed the dark days with a title, the time of “the shadow plague”.

After many years of struggle with the Graxil I grews restless. The toll of the shadow plague has been heavy on the dwarven people. We have almost completely lost control of our underground domain, and are forced to make due on stores, a meager living surviving on hunting mostly. Trade is greatly limited and traveling the landscape safely requires an armed guard to protect from roaming swarms of Graxel.

All this time my ancestors axe hung silently in the wall of my beadroom. Silent all these years, since the incident, a reminder of the Role I played in unleashing this plague across the land. For months I began to toss in turn in my sleep, having strange dreams of ancient times that where not my own. Then one night I awakes from a dream to hear the voice of the axe whispering once again.

“Once a part this axe played in the dark deeds of the moon, greed, guilt, and power. Cork the bottle and this plague will end, look to the south, those that survived the Inquisition of Horns will remember whispers of a moon shards sister.”

I consulted the scribes in the great granite library of the city of stone if ever there were tales of a moon shard left somewhere in the south. Indeed, it seems that the dwarven warriors sent to support the half orcs of Indep during the Inquisition of Horns brought back rumors that the Half orcs held secret knowledge of a long forgotten artifact, these orc shamans are rumored to knowledge of the fallen moon shards, and the root of these Gaxel. Perhaps there, in the southern lands, I could find answers to help find a way to end this dark plague.

Thus I left the city of stones with a small elite guard of a half dozen warriors. Traveling south towards the land of the Half Orcs. I also sent word to Budika, at the city of Mines, to join me on my quest. The opportunity to make right our past mistakes spurred her impetus and she left to join me at once. We traveled separately by boat across the Korren Sea and met at the city of spires. From there we joined forces and headed south on foot with a dozen dwarfs towards the ancient land of Indep.

The road south was hard on the posse. The unprotected wilds are now the domain of Bandits, Dangerous Wildlife, and of course the ever present threat of Graxil. We lost 3 in the marrow mires, and another 4 along while traveling through Mulhong. Tonight we must make camp soon, with only five of us left in the group, but hope remains that we may be close to our goal: To end this flood of Graxil once and for all.

Session 0

1/28/25 - Session 0 Synopsis

  • Torin (Matt), Boudicca (Charlotte), and three Dwarven companions (NPCs) encounter a druid, Bolete (Adam), and a professor of antiquities, Indarma Jones (Mike). All parties are mutually suspicious at first.
  • They are soon overrun by Graxil.
  • A young Ildarii, Fëlu of Jezier'Raïk (Jon), comes from the shadows to assist, having been on the trail of the Graxil since earlier that day.
  • The band of Graxil is defeated. Boudicca and Torin tell of their plan to find another splinter of the Deadmoon to see if they can "plug the leak." Fëlu admits his task is aligned, and would also like to find a certain blue Dramcursed Tiefling for his role in the release of the Graxils, also suspecting his new Dwarvish companions as complict.
  • Bolete's and Indarma's motivations are less clear, but they seem generally willing to travel with the new group.

The Adventure Begins!

Session 1

  • Indarhan Stone has been knocked out (sorry you had to miss DND Mike!).
  • The party enters the North Indip Imperial Outpost which has been captured by half-orcs since about a decade ago.
  • Sheriff Smalls, a half-orc, is the de-facto leader of the outpost.
  • We investigated the Old Imperial Outpost Headquarters/Barracks - found a letter from the Imperial Commodore saying that the Graxil were coming.
  • Dr Stone is dropped off at the Crooked Cornucopia with the barkeep - Pringle.
  • Tinker's Shop - we get a pouch with powders and cartridges...
    • Incendiary Round kit for Dr Stone. Every long rest, it recharges.
    • Can be used to craft 3 incendiary rounds. Can only hold up to 3 on a person at a time.
  • At the urging of Tinker, we talk to Shifty in the Cornucopia who recoounts a journey to the desert and his possessed friend Steve.
  • Steve is possessed by Elyssa of the Deadmoon Order. We talk to Elyssa, she tells us to come to the desert and says hello to Torin's axe.
  • Elyssa stops possessing Steve and Steve runs to the bar.