Session 1

  • Indarhan Stone has been knocked out (sorry you had to miss DND Mike!).
  • The party enters the North Indip Imperial Outpost which has been captured by half-orcs since about a decade ago.
  • Sheriff Smalls, a half-orc, is the de-facto leader of the outpost.
  • We investigated the Old Imperial Outpost Headquarters/Barracks - found a letter from the Imperial Commodore saying that the Graxil were coming.
  • Dr Stone is dropped off at the Crooked Cornucopia with the barkeep - Pringle.
  • Tinker's Shop - we get a pouch with powders and cartridges...
    • Incendiary Round kit for Dr Stone. Every long rest, it recharges.
    • Can be used to craft 3 incendiary rounds. Can only hold up to 3 on a person at a time.
  • At the urging of Tinker, we talk to Shifty in the Cornucopia who recoounts a journey to the desert and his possessed friend Steve.
  • Steve is possessed by Elyssa of the Deadmoon Order. We talk to Elyssa, she tells us to come to the desert and says hello to Torin's axe.
  • Elyssa stops possessing Steve and Steve runs to the bar.