City: Laigfhuar

View of Crag in 442 K.E.
A view of Seaside, the harbor and associated neighborhood on Crag's east flank

The City of Laigfhuar

LaigfhuarQuick Facts
RegionTaynuilt Heartlands
Main CultureTaynnish, cosmopolitan
Minor CulturesImperial, Dwarven,
Population4,000 - -319 K.E.
12,000 - 0 K.E.
15,000 - 100 K.E.
20,000 - 450 K.E.
24,000 - 600 K.E.
Main IndustriesMercantile Trade,
Seafood, Brewing,
Pottery, Arts


Map of Laigfhuar in 442 K.E.

Early History of Laigfhuar

Laigfhuar was originally settled by the early Copper Tayns many centuries before the arrival of Kaldrinic Empire. Before the establishment of the first Taynish confederacy, the Laigfhuar was a major seat of power among the independent Taynish petty kingdoms. It temporarily joined with Taynuilt during the first Confederacy agreement, but after only a few decades returned to being a most autonomous kingdom with little direct authority from the Taynuilt royalty.

By the time of the second Taynish Confederacy, Laigfhuar remained largely independent from the rest of Taynuilt, though it had lost significant lands after decades of both military and political conflict. By the time of the second Taynish Confederacy, it was among the last of the major western Taynish petty kingdoms to swear fealty to the royal family in Taynuilt, and only when faced with the reality of Indip invasion from the east by land and south by sea. Some ancient documents suggest the then-rulers of Laigfhuar were in discussions with Indipian leaders to support the invading forces in return for being allowed some level of autonomy following the destruction of the Taynish Confederacy, though that support never manifested.

Following the defeat of the Indipians and the disbanding of the Second Taynish Confederacy, Laigfhuar again attempted to regain its autonomy from the rest of Taynuilt. Three years later (-321 K.E.), war between Taynuilt and Laigfhuar broke out, with Laigfhuar hoping that support from allies in Wulda and control over northern sea trade would be adequate. However, the combined forces of Taynuil and Lynnla were enough to push the Laigfhuar forces back to the city limits, and a two year seige of the city ultimatly resulted in a surrender of the city following the suicide of Laigfhuar's leader, Syrking Rolisill Therian IV. The Theria family still holds the City as its fief to this day, though the centuries have led them to now be loyal supporters of the Taynuilt Monarchy.

The City has long benefited by its location on the Silma river, providing a safe natural port inland from the sea. The suitability of the port combined with the relatively close proximity to Taynuilt has allowed both cities to benefit for centuries from trade between the north and south for those seeking to avoid the long and dangerous ocean-faring trip around the west of Sygassas and Denrylak. The growing power and population of the Empire around the Jewel Sea, and the Empire's ongoing tension with Sygassas has only further fueled the economic boon of Laigfhuar as Imperial Trade ships via the City. This has also made the city a place of note for growing Imperial influence and power, especially among the local merchants and trade guilds.

City Government

City Council (442 K.E.)

-Senior Councilor Jerrick Thorkarin -Senior Councilor Dallia Switwick -Senior Councilor Riggin Lorflourick -Junior Councilor Jin Tarni -Junior Councilor Helio Dolsin-Tyne -Junior Councilor Redirill Gyll

Tribunal of Justices

-Council Justice Gersin Maccri -Lord Justice Lady Aila Theria -Royal Justice Priestess Hula Rishi

Duchess Lyalish Theria

Other Notable Residents

-Tanly the Rat -Watch Commander Sir Garrick Switwick -Guildmaster Astrid the Dark -Helrid Sharpen