
Major events of the world.

The Ancient Postdark Era

Almost nothing is known about this era... .

-4000The end of the War of Descension, Almak collides with surface of planetalmak collides
-3997End of the Long Dark
-3965Settlement that becomes Taynuilt is founded on the new coast
-3700Fist of the Kyver (Dwarves) come out of hiding

Classical Pre-Kaldrinic History

Please note: our scribes continue to research this era. Details may be added, updated, or changed.

-982The High Orcish Necromancer-kings L'ratomi and Z'ratomi begin The Inquistion of the Horns, triggering the great Northward migration of the Unhorned along the Western rim of the Gold Desert
-904Trag Çom Anatala I declares the Ley-Indip-Ley or Indipian Empire, upon the death of her father, the Fu-Ley of Mulloch-Izyal. Anatala adopts the title Fu-Indip-Ley ("First Servant of Indip's land"), which becomes the title for all Indipian Emperors and Empresses until the collapse of the Empire.anatala
-834The City of Invëye is founded on the southern coast of Indip. It quickly grows to be the largest in Indip and the known world, becoming known as Great Invëye.
-700The Indipian Empire constructs The Watergates to defend against the Third Orcish Deadfleetalt text
-581With the support of many other nations the King of Taynuilt forms and heads the first Taynish Confederacy in light of enemy provocations to the east
-338The Incrillans are forced from their homeland and begin settling on Ekryp
-332The second Taynish Confederacy forms to defend against the Indipian Regime of Tan La Fon V
-326The Indip Regime divides between north and south due to internal power struggles, the Taynish Confederacy successfully defeat the Indipians, essentially ending the war
-324With the collapse of the Indipian power structure, the Second Taynish Confederacy disbands according to the initial treaty.
-205Great unchecked fires burn-out the Hall of the Chieftans and much of Indïdip. The North Indip Empire falls unceremoniously.
-204Founding of Izÿ on Lake Mulhong by refugees from Indïdip.
-4The dual catastrophy of the eruption of Mount Iljo and the breaking of the Gods' Dam lead to the migration of Emperor Jontosin and his people north by ship to find new lands. The Denisians, also impacted by the catastrophy, begin to migrate north too.

The Kaldrinic Dynasty

Note: Record keeping vastly improved after the establishment of the Kaldrinic Dynasty of Ashenstone.

0Emperor Jontosin dies of old age. His funeral is held atop the island of Ashenstone. His daughter Kaldrina is crowned the new empress. Based on a vision she recieves upon coronation, Kaldrina declares their years of wandering over and establishes The Kaldrinic Empire with Ashenstone as the new Imperial Seat. Work begins on the construction of Jonto Keep.
4Ekryp Falls under Kaldrinic control
6Drimmharbor is founded; the area's native half-orcs are expelled to Drez'Dip and are banned from fishing in the Inbay in favor of Human fishermen
7South Indip Empire falls to the Kaldrinic Empire. Great Invëye is sacked and destroyed. The Ley-Indip-Ley is no more.
35The Imperial Provincial system is established, replacing previous system of martially occupied nations
44Denisians begin sending out explorers north to find new homeland
47Denisians begin formal migration to what is now Sygassas
52Proto-Sygassan states begin infighting as territories expand
65Ostella rises to leader of populist movement to unite Sygassas
67Sygassas is officially united into one political body, Ostella is elected first Regeant of Sygassas
135Expanding Empire reaches outer territories under Sygassas influence
138Sygassas and Empire begin Sygassan Wars as territory tensions grow
140Taynuilt joins Sygassan Wars supporting Sygassas in attemp to stifle Imperial aggresion
143Treaty between Sygassas and Empire is signed, permanent and long lasting border between Sygassas and Empire is established at Mushwong River, Taynuilt refuses to sign treaty
148Taynuilt formally unites with Lynnla through marriage, Empire declares war on Gritia the eastern most Taynish nation and invades eastern counties in order to expand north to sea
156Under the command of General Durasian the Cruel, undefended Sarreff is attacked and burned to the ground. The child heirs to Gritia are murdered, leading to the suicide of the Last King of Gritia. The surviving lords of Gritia either flee to Taynish lands or sign a treaty dissolving the kingdom under Imperial Rule.
205First Great war begins between Empire and a united coalition of remaining Taynish nations that had been threatened by Imperial domain but despite calls for a united confederacy as seen in the past they remain independent but allied nations, Sygassas does not properly joins war but supports through proxy "pirate fleets" that raid Imperial navy
208Under the leadership of Arch-mage Lyllia, province of Zhunola (NegLynnla) declares independence from Empire and joins the Taynish Kingdoms in war against the Empire
221Treaty of Five Crowns (the five subdued Tayn Kingdoms) is signed, spirit worship is banned and use of magic and is outlawed in Empire by all those not associated with the church, Taynuilt (combined with neighboring Donnuia) and Lynnla are absorbed into Empire with additional autonomy not granted to other provinces
324Isle of Cardaenon is invaded and conquered by Imperial Forces. Starts the First War of Northern Thorns
327Defeat of Empire outside Highcliff, Treaty of Cold Winds is signed between Wulda and Empire, Conquered lands are returned to Wulda but Cardaenon is officially ceaded to Imperial control
373Newly appointed High King of Wulda leads army into Cardaenon (I-Kartonon) to retake old Wuldan land, Start of Second War of Northern Thorns
375Wulda manages to retake entirety of Cardaenon, start of unofficial peace between Empire and Wulda
381After bribing and rigging local lords the Empire launches surprise invasion of Cardaenon with support of local warriors
381.8Wuldans are pushed back to the marshes, bridges and roads through marshes are destroyed to prevent Imperial use
382Wuldans launch naval invasion of Northern Imperial Mainland, Imperial forces on Cardaenon are severed from supplies and reinforcements, fighting persists through Cardaenon
383Especially hard winter leads to Imperial forces in Cardaenon surrendering. Emperor Hui III dies during a hunting incident. Hui's brother, Tark, who has been the lead commander for the Cardaenon campaign until being reassigned by his brother the previous summer assumes the throne in in the late spring, pushing out supporters of Hui's infant son. Emperor Tark personally leads a concentrated push to retake Cardaenon and retakes all major ports in a short time period. Both sides lose momentum before the Empire can push into Wuldan mainlands, but attrition on both sides leads to a mutual truce. Thee Treaty of Southern Winds is signed which officially ends the Second War of Northern Thorns with Cardaenon officially restored as an Imperial province and many local Wuldan lords executed or exiled.
402The Great Blood Plague spreads through the Empire
435The King of Lynnla marries Shaheila
438The King of Lynnla dies under mysterious circumstances, with temporary power the King's Consort empowers multiple Imperial leaders to positions of power and signs orders that strip the monarchy of many remaining autonomies, the Inheritance Crisis begins with King's sister kidnapping the toddler prince and leading action against the King's Consort
441The Inheritance Crisis ends with the burning of the Lynnla Royal Castle at Balnoorial and the hiding of the King's Sister and her son and remaining heir the toddler prince though Empire claims they are dead. Monarchy of Lynnla is officially dissolved in Imperial administration and administrative capital of Lynnla is moved to Lynnmouth with new Imperial Provchu in charge
442Second Imperial temple is constructed in Lynnla as a first move to rapidly convert the people of Lynnla and instill Imperial culture in the land